Web Inspector – WebKit https://webkit.org Open Source Web Browser Engine Fri, 06 Oct 2023 23:23:22 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.5.2 Simplified Responsive Design Mode https://webkit.org/blog/14670/simplified-responsive-design-mode/ Thu, 05 Oct 2023 17:40:18 +0000 https://webkit.org/?p=14670 Responsive design is a well-established practice of creating designs that adapt to different screen sizes. Gone are the days when you could create a new website designed for one screen size. Today’s devices are a menagerie of resolutions, from screens that fit on your wrist to the one you hold in your hand or rest on your lap, and even virtual screens that wrap around your entire field of vision.

There are so many screen sizes today that it’s made designing to a specific set of resolutions almost meaningless. Instead, we’re using powerful modern layout tools like Container Queries, Grid, and Flexbox to create fluid layouts so that designs can adapt to any screen size.

Creating resilient, adaptive designs requires tools that help you quickly explore your layouts in every resolution. Responsive Design Mode in Safari does just that. It gives you a fast preview of how your web page layout adapts to different viewport dimensions and aspect ratios in real time.

As part of the suite of developer tools, Responsive Design Mode is available when you enable Show features for web developers in Safari’s Advanced settings. Once enabled, you can jump into Responsive Design Mode for the currently focused tab or window by choosing Enter Response Design Mode from the Develop menu or pressing Command-Control-R (⌃⌘R).

New Design

With its streamlined design in Safari 17, Responsive Design Mode makes it faster and easier to test your designs.

Screenshot of webkit.org in the simplified Responsive Design Mode


Notably, the row of device and window icons is gone, helping you focus on creating adaptive designs that fluidly respond to any screen size as the web moves away from rigid, resolution-specific designs.

Close up cropped image of Responsive Design Mode showing with display size controls showing 485 × 985 (82%), 3x,  Open with Simulator button

Resizing is as easy as clicking the “handles” at any side of the viewport preview and dragging them to any size. You can watch the dimensions of the viewport change in the size display shown in screen point units at the upper-left.

You can even test viewport sizes beyond the size of the display you’re actively using. Keep dragging the handles, and the preview fluidly scales, showing the zoom level as a percentage of the actual size of the viewport. At 100%, each pixel of web content is visible in the preview. When the viewport grows to a size larger than the window size of Safari, the zoom level decreases, indicating the preview is scaled down to fit the available space in the window.

Pixel Density

Another dimension of screen size designers need to consider today is the pixel density of screens. Pixels have gotten much smaller on modern devices, affecting the pixel-based assets in your designs, like interface icons, photos, or videos. A menu next to the effective viewport dimension allows you to change the pixel ratio used in the preview. The 1x, 2x, and 3x settings help you test all the assets you went the extra mile to prepare to give your users the best experience regardless of their device capabilities.

Instead of generating each asset by hand, many folks opt to configure their build tools to automatically resize assets for the srcset attribute on image elements or the image-set() function in CSS to set the pixel ratio for a background-image.

<img src="image_1x.jpg" srcset="image_2x.jpg 2x, image_3x.jpg 3x">

body {
    background-image: image-set("background_1x.jpg" 1x, "background_2x.jpg" 2x);

Here, the pixel ratio control helps you ensure your tooling is configured correctly to generate all the needed assets.

In CSS you can use media queries to apply styles based on the pixel ratio of the display. For instance, you can set thinner lines on a 2x display:

@media (min-resolution: 2dppx) {
  .dividerLine {
    border: 0.5px solid grey;

The pixel ratio control also allows you to test those styles.


Responsive Design Mode shows you a good approximation of how your web page layout will be affected by viewport sizes. But iOS, iPadOS, watchOS, and visionOS have different rendering behaviors optimized to their form factors that are necessarily different than macOS.

Fast, real-time feedback is what makes Responsive Design Mode so helpful, but it comes with a tradeoff in accuracy. It’s a familiar problem in technology. For example, Xcode offers SwiftUI developers a preview mode that allows them to see the interfaces their code generates and even lets them interact with the interface in a limited capacity. But the complete experience requires building the project to see the result run in a simulator or on an actual device.

So now, it’s easy to jump into device simulators to try your site designs with the same full-fidelity experience as an actual device.

Screenshot of webkit.org in Responsive Design Mode alongside an iPhone 14 Pro Max simulator with webkit.org loaded in Safari

Responsive Design Mode offers a new Open with Simulator menu for quickly jumping into an Xcode device simulator for the current web page. It shows a list of suggested simulators, but many more are available than what’s listed. You’ll need to download and install Xcode from the App Store for free to run simulators. Selecting the Add simulators… option from the Open with Simulator menu will open a new tab in Safari with instructions on adding more simulators.

To get a more accurate idea of how your web pages will behave in those environments, you can use simulators without needing access to the devices themselves.

Web Inspector

Responsive Design Mode becomes an even more powerful tool when combined with Web Inspector. It allows you to find the source of layout issues while resizing the page or adjusting the pixel ratio. With developer features enabled, select Show Web Inspector from the Develop menu or press Command-Option-I (⌥⌘I).

Screenshot of webkit.org in Responsive Design Mode with Web Inspector docked to the right side of the window

When debugging narrow viewport sizes, you might find it helpful to click the Dock to left or Dock to right button in Web Inspector to put it side-by-side with the preview viewport.


The updated Responsive Design Mode distills the tools to the essentials for quickly assessing the layout of your web pages at any screen size. It gives you at a glance access to layout issues and accelerates testing your pages in a variety of device-accurate simulators.

We love to hearing from you. Send a tweet to @webkit to share your thoughts Responsive Design Mode. Find us on Mastodon at @jensimmons@front-end.social and @jondavis@mastodon.social. If you run into any issues, we welcome your feedback on Safari UI like Responsive Design Mode, or your WebKit bug report about web technologies or Web Inspector. Reporting issues makes an enormouse difference.

Download the latest Safari Technology Preview to stay at the forefront of the web platform and to use the latest Web Inspector features.

Note: Learn more about Web Inspector from the Web Inspector Reference documentation.
Enabling the Inspection of Web Content in Apps https://webkit.org/blog/13936/enabling-the-inspection-of-web-content-in-apps/ Mon, 20 Mar 2023 18:54:48 +0000 https://webkit.org/?p=13936 Web Inspector is a powerful tool that allows you to debug the layout of web pages, step through JavaScript, read messages logged to the console, and more. In Safari on macOS, you can use Web Inspector to inspect web pages, extensions, and service workers. iOS and iPadOS allow inspection of the same content as macOS, with the addition of Home Screen web apps.

Web content and JavaScript is used for various purposes in apps, from providing UI from a webpage to enabling apps to be scriptable. Previously, Web Inspector supported inspecting developer-provisioned apps built directly from Xcode for local development, meaning developers could debug this content so long as the app is installed for development. However, released versions of apps had no way to inspect dynamic web content or scripts, leaving developers and users to have to resort to more complicated workflows to get information that would otherwise be made available by Web Inspector. Now, this same functionality is available through an API on WKWebView and JSContext.

How do I enable inspection?

Across all platforms supporting WKWebView or JSContext, a new property is available called isInspectable (inspectable in Objective-C). It defaults to false, and you can set it to true to opt-in to content being inspectable. This decision is made for each individual WKWebView and JSContext to prevent unintentionally making it enabled for a view or context you don’t intend to be inspectable. So, for example, to make a WKWebView inspectable, you would:

let webConfiguration = WKWebViewConfiguration()
let webView = WKWebView(frame: .zero, configuration: webConfiguration)
webView.isInspectable = true
WKWebViewConfiguration *webConfiguration = [WKWebViewConfiguration new];
WKWebView *webView = [[WKWebView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectZero configuration:webConfiguration];
webView.inspectable = YES;

For JSContext, matching API is available, with the addition of C API for developers using JSGlobalContextRef:

let jsContext = JSContext()
jsContext?.isInspectable = true
JSContext *jsContext = [JSContext new];
jsContext.inspectable = YES;
JSGlobalContextRef jsContextRef = JSGlobalContextCreate(NULL);
JSGlobalContextSetInspectable(jsContextRef, true);

The inspectable property can be changed at any point during the lifetime of your WKWebView or JSContext. Disabling inspection while Web Inspector actively inspects the content will automatically close Web Inspector, and no further information about the content will be available.

Once you’ve enabled inspection for your app, you can inspect it from Safari’s Develop menu in the submenu for either your current computer or an attached device. For iOS and iPadOS, you must also have enabled Web Inspector in the Settings app under Safari > Advanced > Web Inspector. You do not need to enable Web Inspector for simulators; it is always enabled. Learn more about enabling Web Inspector…

Develop Menu > Patrick's iPhone > Example App

When should I consider making content inspectable?

A common situation in which you may want the content of WKWebView to be inspectable is in an in-app web browser. The browser shows ordinary web content that would be inspectable when loaded in Safari. It can be beneficial both for the app developer, as well as web authors, to be able to inspect content in these views, as the size of the view may not match that of Safari’s, or the app developer may be injecting script into the view to provide integration with their app.

Web content is often dynamic, delivered by a server—not in the app—and easily changed over time. Unfortunately, not all issues can or will get debugged by folks with access to a developer-provisioned copy of your app.

JSContext can also enable scripting in an app whereby the customer provides the scripts to augment the app. Without the ability for a release version of your app to adopt inspectability, your customers may have no way to debug the scripts they have written. It makes it harder for customers to use this functionality of your app.

Provide readable names for inspectable JSContexts

Unlike WKWebView, which automatically gets a name based on the page currently loaded in the view, every JSContext with inspectable enabled will be listed as JSContext in Safari’s Develop menu. We recommend providing a unique, human-readable name for each inspectable JSContext to make it easier for you and your customers to determine what the JSContext represents. For example, if your app runs different pieces of JavaScript on behalf of the user, you should give each JSContext a name based on what runs inside the context.

API is available to set the user-visible name of a JSContext:

let jsContext = JSContext()
jsContext?.name = "Context name"
JSContext *jsContext = [JSContext new];
jsContext.name = @"Context name";
JSGlobalContextRef jsContextRef = JSGlobalContextCreate(NULL);
`JSGlobalContextSetName`(jsContextRef, JSStringCreateWithUTF8CString("Context name"));

Working with older versions of macOS and iOS

For apps linked against an SDK before macOS 13.3 and iOS 16.4 WKWebViews and JSContexts will continue to follow the previous behavior of always being inspectable when built for debugging from Xcode.

Apps that support older versions of macOS and iOS while linked against the most recent SDK will not get the previous behavior of all content being inspectable in debug builds to avoid confusion about what will and will not be inspectable by customers. Apps targeting older OS versions but linking against the new SDK can use this new API conditionally on OS versions that support it. To conditionally guard usage of the API:

if #available(macOS 13.3, iOS 16.4, tvOS 16.4, *) {
    webView.isInspectable = true
if (@available(macOS 13.3, iOS 16.4, tvOS 16.4, *))
    webView.inspectable = YES;

You can learn more about guarding usage of new API on developer.apple.com.


As you explore this new API, please help us by providing feedback if you encounter problems. For issues using this new API, please file feedback from your Mac, iPhone, or iPad. Feedback Assistant will collect the information needed to help us understand what’s happening. For any issues you may experience with Web Inspector itself once inspecting your app’s content, please file a bug on bugs.webkit.org.

Also, we love hearing from you. You can find us on Mastodon at @patrickangle@hachyderm.io, @jensimmons@front-end.social, and @jondavis@mastodon.social.

Note: Learn more about Web Inspector from the Web Inspector Reference documentation.
Taming CSS Variables with Web Inspector https://webkit.org/blog/12303/css-variables-web-inspector/ Wed, 02 Mar 2022 17:00:42 +0000 https://webkit.org/?p=12303 CSS Custom Properties, better known as CSS variables, have been widely adopted by web designers to build reusable and configurable design systems. One common approach is to define most CSS variables in a CSS rule with a selector for a root element such as html or :root.

While this has the benefit of putting them all in one easy to find place, it has a side effect: because CSS variables are inheritable, all descendant elements effectively inherit all variables from ancestors. This behavior is what enables you to use a CSS variable defined at a higher level on the styles of an element that is deeply nested within the document.

Descendant elements inherit all CSS variables from their ancestor elements. This can result in very long lists of inherited properties in the Styles panel.

When an element inherits a large number of CSS variables, inspecting its styles can become overwhelming. Likewise, identifying a particular CSS variable to reuse becomes more difficult because you have to search through a large list of them.

Over the past few releases, Web Inspector in Safari Technology Preview has introduced some features to help you when working on projects that use large numbers of CSS variables.

Hiding Unused CSS Variables

Of all inherited CSS variables, only a few are actually used on the styles of any one element. To reduce visual clutter in the Styles panel, unused inherited CSS variables are automatically hidden. They’re replaced with a button that reveals them on click.

This helps focus your attention on just the styles that took effect on the inspected element.

Unused inherited CSS variables are automatically hidden behind a button that reveals them on click.

Searching for CSS Variables

The Computed panel in Web Inspector has a section that lists all CSS variables applicable to the inspected element. This list of properties can help you when searching for a CSS variable to reuse.

Use the filter input field to narrow down the list if you know roughly what you’re looking for, either part of the CSS variable name or part of the value.

Find all CSS variables applicable to the selected element in the Variables section of the Computed panel. Filter the list using the filter input field at the bottom of the panel.

Grouping CSS Variables

Safari Technology Preview 138 introduced the ability to view this list grouped by value type. This creates separate subsections for CSS variables with values such as colors, numbers, dimensions (numbers followed by CSS units), and so forth. Reduce clutter by collapsing the groups you’re not interested in.

The list of applicable CSS variables can be grouped by value type into collapsible subsections: colors, dimensions and other types.

Grouping this way can help you find a CSS variable when you know the type of value you’re looking for, a particular color, for example. Color swatches shown next to variable values together with the ability to group all variables with color values into one distinct section make it easier to visually scan for the desired value.

Jump to CSS Variable Definition

Here’s a tip: place the mouse cursor over any CSS variable in the Computed panel to reveal a go-to arrow. Click this to highlight the place in the Styles panel where the variable is defined. If the target CSS variable is hidden because it is unused, it will be automatically shown. This allows you to quickly jump in context to the place where a CSS variable is defined and edit it.

Use the go-to arrow next to CSS variables in the Computed panel to highlight where the variable is defined in the Styles panel.

You can also use the filter input field at the bottom of the Styles panel (as described above) and type the name of the variable, but using the go-to arrow to quickly jump to it is much more convenient.

Fuzzy Autocompletion of CSS Variable Names

Since its inception, Web Inspector has provided autocompletion for CSS properties and values in the Styles panel. More recently, it introduced the ability to provide completion suggestions for CSS variable names when typing within var() function values, as in var(--link-color).

Safari Technology Preview 138 made this even better with the introduction of fuzzy matching for CSS autocompletion. This is particularly useful for CSS variables when you might not remember the full name. With fuzzy matching, you can get results that match the query at any position, not just at the beginning.

For example, if you know that the CSS variable name you’re looking for, say --link-color, includes the substring “color”, you can type just var(color|) (the | character represents the position of the typing caret). You don’t even need to type the double dash prefix. If the CSS variable --link-color is defined on or inherited by the inspected element, it will be shown in the list of completion suggestions even if the query match occurs at the end of the variable name.

Enjoy the flexibility of fuzzy matching for CSS autocompletion to quickly find a variable by typing any part of its name.
For example, type just “color” to match --link-color.


CSS variables enable a growing number of uses, such as building configurable design systems, practical theming for light and dark modes, customizable styles for web components, among many others. But the proliferation of variables in large numbers within a project can also become a burden during development and debugging.

Web Inspector has introduced features to help keep you focused and productive. Hiding unused inherited CSS variables in the Styles panel reduces clutter. Collecting and grouping CSS variables in the Computed panel focuses your attention. Fuzzy matching in autocompletion of variable names and filter input fields help you quickly find and reuse variables.

We hope these improvements make your work easier when dealing with CSS variables.
As always, if you encounter any issues, please file a report at webkit.org/new-inspector-bug.
If you want to share feedback or ideas, please send them to us on Twitter: @webkit.

Note: Learn more about Web Inspector from the Web Inspector Reference documentation.
Introducing CSS Grid Inspector https://webkit.org/blog/11588/introducing-css-grid-inspector/ Thu, 15 Apr 2021 09:00:56 +0000 https://webkit.org/?p=11588 CSS Grid Layout is a web-standard layout system used to define a grid structure of rows and columns in CSS. HTML elements can then be distributed to the resulting grid cells to achieve a flexible and predictable layout.

This layout system is highly capable, but using it requires a shift away from the mental models of the past. When the grid definition itself is not visible (only its effects on the placement of items are visible), you can easily get lost and confused, not understanding why the layout doesn’t work as intended.

Concert poster demo using CSS Grid Layout
Concert poster demo using CSS Grid Layout by Jen Simmons

When you can see both the structure of the grid and its effects in context on the page, it makes working with CSS Grid Layout more approachable and easier to reason about.

Page Overlay showing grid constraints of concert poster demo using CSS Grid Layout
Overlay showing grid structure of concert poster demo

CSS Grid Inspector is a new tool in Web Inspector which helps you visualize grids defined using CSS Grid Layout notation and verify that elements are positioned as expected. It was introduced in Safari Technology Preview 123.

Visualizing grids

CSS Grid Inspector shows a page overlay on top of HTML elements which are CSS Grid containers. An element is a CSS Grid container when its display CSS property has a value of either grid or inline-grid.

You can turn on the overlay for a CSS Grid container in one of two ways:

  • Click the “grid“ badge shown next to the element in the DOM Tree outline of the Elements Tab.
  • Open the new Layout panel in the details sidebar of the Elements Tab, then click the checkbox next to the corresponding element in the Grid Overlays list.
A “grid” badge shown next to <div id=”css-grid-demo”> in the DOM Tree outline.
Layout sidebar panel with the overlay enabled for the “div#css-grid-demo” CSS Grid container

The overlay can show:

  • Lines which define the grid rows, and columns (a.k.a. grid tracks)
  • Spacing between grid tracks (a.k.a. grid gaps)
  • Labels for line numbers and grid track sizes
  • Labels for grid line names, and grid area names
Elements positioned on a grid defined with CSS Grid Layout
Elements positioned on a grid defined with CSS Grid Layout
CSS Grid Inspector overlay showing labels for grid line numbers and grid track sizes
CSS Grid Inspector overlay showing labels for grid line numbers and grid track sizes

Configuring the CSS Grid Inspector overlay

The CSS Grid Inspector overlay can show many properties of a grid’s components according to the CSS properties used. Showing everything all at once can be overwhelming. Depending on your workflow, you may prefer to see all or just a subset.

Use the settings in the Page Overlay Options section of the Layout panel in the details sidebar to configure the level of detail presented with the overlay. Changes are applied immediately and saved across Web Inspector sessions.

You can toggle the following options:

  • Track Sizes: shows a label with the user-authored value for the track size or auto if the value is not explicitly set. This helps visual inspection by matching the user-authored value set in CSS with the corresponding grid track on the page.
  • Line Numbers: shows a label with the ordinal and the reverse ordinal of explicit grid lines. The reverse ordinal is useful when referencing lines backward from the end. For example, 1 -4 means “the first and the fourth last”.
  • Line Names: shows a label with the user-defined name for a grid line or the implicit grid line name derived from a grid area name. When undefined, this does nothing. Learn more about implicit grid line names on MDN.
  • Area Names: shows a label with the user-defined name for a group of cells. When undefined, this does nothing.
  • Extended Grid Lines: extends grid lines infinitely in their respective directions. This is useful for checking alignment with other elements on the page.

To change the overlay color, use the color swatch next to the corresponding element in the Grid Overlays list found in the Layout sidebar panel. The new color will be saved for that element on that page and is remembered across Web Inspector sessions. When you return later to inspect the same element, the overlay will use the color you picked.

Try it out

If you’re using Safari Technology Preview 123 or a later release, you can inspect the example below to try out the CSS Grid Inspector on this page. Open Web Inspector, go to the Elements Tab, switch to the Layout sidebar panel, then toggle the grid overlay for the element marked div#css-grid-demo.


If you encounter any issues, please file a report at webkit.org/new-inspector-bug.
If you want to share feedback or ideas, please send them to us on Twitter: @webkit.

Note: Learn more about Web Inspector from the Web Inspector Reference documentation.
Wide Gamut Color in CSS with Display-P3 https://webkit.org/blog/10042/wide-gamut-color-in-css-with-display-p3/ Mon, 02 Mar 2020 18:36:20 +0000 https://webkit.org/?p=10042 Display-P3 color space includes vivid colors that aren’t available in sRGB.

sRGB versus Display-P3

CSS Color Module Level 4 introduced syntax to use Display-P3 color space on the web:

color: color(display-p3 1 0.5 0)

The previously available syntax defined colors in sRGB color space. hsl(42, 70%, 50%), rgb(3, 5, 11), #abc — all of these colors are in the sRGB color space.

Display-P3 is a superset of sRGB. It’s around 50% larger:

sRGB outline

The white line shows the edge of sRGB. Everything on its top right is Display-P3 colors not available in sRGB. Note how greens is greatly expanded while blues aren’t nearly as much.

Browser support

WebKit has had support for Display-P3 color since 2016 (r207442). The following browsers support Display-P3 color:

  • Safari on macOS Mojave and newer
  • Safari on iOS 11 and newer

WebKit is the only browser engine that supports Display-P3 color as of January 2020.

Graceful degradation

One way to provide a fallback is to include the same property with the sRGB color before:

header {
    color: rgb(0, 255, 0);
    color: color(display-p3 0 1 0);

Browsers other than WebKit currently parse color(...) as invalid value. CSS properties with invalid values are ignored by the browsers.

Alternatively, you can use @supports feature query. This is particularly useful when defining variables with colors:

/* sRGB color. */
:root {
    --bright-green: rgb(0, 255, 0);

/* Display-P3 color, when supported. */
@supports (color: color(display-p3 1 1 1)) {
    :root {
        --bright-green: color(display-p3 0 1 0);

header {
    color: var(--bright-green);

Hardware support

  • iPhone 7 and newer
  • MacBook Pro (since 2016)
  • iMac (since 2015)
  • iPad Pro (since 2016)
  • LG UltraFine 5K Display

There are also numerous devices that support Display-P3 color space but currently have no browsers that support Display-P3 in CSS:

  • Google Pixel 2 XL
  • Google Pixel 3
  • HTC U11+
  • OnePlus 6

More devices that support Display-P3 are listed on Wikipedia.

Hardware support can be detected with a media query in CSS:

@media (color-gamut: p3) {
    /* Do colorful stuff. */

And JavaScript:

if (window.matchMedia("(color-gamut: p3)").matches) {
    // Do colorful stuff.

Web Inspector

Starting Safari Technology Preview 97, Web Inspector includes P3-capable color picker:

The white line draws the edge sRGB color space. All colors on the top right of it are only available in Display-P3 color space.

Right-clicking the color square shows an option to convert to sRGB color space:

Clamp to sRGB

When the color is within sRGB color space, “Convert to sRGB” menu item is displayed. When it outside — “Clamp to sRGB”.

Web Inspector also includes context menus to convert sRGB colors to Display-P3:

Convert to Display-P3

Closing thoughts

CSS has syntax to define colors in Display-P3 color space, which includes vivid colors previously not available in sRGB. Many modern displays cover 100% of the P3 color standard. Web Inspector now includes P3-capable color picker.

You can start using Display-P3 colors on your websites and web views today. It only takes a couple of lines of code to provide a backward compatible sRGB color.

If you have any feedback, reach me out on Twitter. You can also send general comments to the @webkit Twitter account.

Further reading

Note: Learn more about Web Inspector from the Web Inspector Reference documentation.
WebGPU and WSL in Web Inspector https://webkit.org/blog/9624/webgpu-and-wsl-in-web-inspector/ Fri, 08 Nov 2019 01:21:17 +0000 https://webkit.org/?p=9624 In Safari Technology Preview release 91, beta support was added for the WebGPU API and WSL. In Safari Technology Preview release 94, support for showing WebGPU devices, as well as all associated render/compute pipelines and <canvas> elements, was added to Web Inspector inside the Canvas Tab.

Just like WebGL shader programs, all render/compute pipelines are editable, and any changes will have an immediate effect. Compute pipelines, as they only have one shader module, are shown in a single text editor. Render pipelines, since they have both vertex and fragment shader modules, are shown in side-by-side text editors, one for each shader module. In the case that both the vertex and fragment shader modules are shared, however, they are shown as a single text editor, just like it is for a compute pipeline.

Try editing any of the WebGPU pipelines in our gallery of WebGPU samples using Web Inspector. We’ll be keeping that page updated with the latest demos. Many thanks to Austin Eng for making the demo used in the video above.

Let us know what you think! Send feedback on Twitter (@webkit, @jonathandavis, @dcrousso) or by filing a bug.

Note: Learn more about Web Inspector from the Web Inspector Reference documentation.
How Web Content Can Affect Power Usage https://webkit.org/blog/8970/how-web-content-can-affect-power-usage/ Tue, 27 Aug 2019 17:00:58 +0000 https://webkit.org/?p=8970 @media (prefers-color-scheme:dark) { figure picture img { filter: none; } }

Users spend a large proportion of their online time on mobile devices, and a significant fraction of the rest is users on untethered laptop computers. For both, battery life is critical. In this post, we’ll talk about factors that affect battery life, and how you, as a web developer, can make your pages more power efficient so that users can spend more time engaged with your content.

What Draws Power?

Most of the energy on mobile devices is consumed by a few major components:

  • CPU (Main processor)
  • GPU (Graphics processing)
  • Networking (Wi-Fi and cellular radio chips)
  • Screen

Screen power consumption is relatively constant and mostly under the user’s control (via screen on-time and brightness), but the other components, the CPU, GPU and networking hardware have high dynamic range when it comes to power consumption.

The system adapts the CPU and GPU performance based on the current tasks being processed, including, of course, rendering web pages that the user is interacting with in their web browser and other apps using web content. This is done through turning some components on or off, and by changing their clock frequency. In broad terms, the more performance that is required from the chips, the lower their power-efficiency. The hardware can ramp up to high performance very quickly (but at a large power cost), then rapidly go back to a more efficient low-power state.

General Principles for Good Power Usage

To maximize battery life, you therefore want to reduce the amount of time spent in high-power states, and let the hardware go back to idle as much as possible.

For web developers, there are three states of interaction to think about:

  • When the user is actively interacting with the content.
  • When the page is the frontmost, but the user is not interacting with it.
  • When the page is not the frontmost content.

Efficient user interaction

Obviously it’s good to expend power at times when the user is interacting with the page. You want the page to load fast and respond quickly to touch. In many cases, the same optimizations that reduce time to first paint and time to user interactive will also reduce power usage. However, be cautious about continuing to load resources and to run script after the initial page load. The goal should be to get back to idle as fast as possible. In general, the less JavaScript that runs, the more power-efficient the page will be, because script is work on top of what the browser has already done to layout and paint the page.

Once the page has loaded, user interactions like scrolling and tapping will also ramp up the hardware power (mainly the CPU and GPU), which again makes sense, but make sure to go back to idle as soon as the user stops interacting. Also, try to stay on the browser “fast paths” — for example, normal page scrolling will be much more power-efficient than custom scrolling implemented in JavaScript.

Drive idle power usage towards zero

When the user is not interacting with the page, try to make the page use as little power as possible. For example:

  • Minimize the use of timers to avoid waking up the CPU. Try to coalesce timer-based work into a few, infrequent timers. Lots of uncoordinated timers which trigger frequent CPU wake-ups are much worse than gathering that work into fewer chunks.
  • Minimize continually animating content, like animated images and auto-playing video. Be particularly vigilant to avoid “loading” spinner GIFs or CSS animations that continually trigger painting, even if you can’t see them. IntersectionObserver can be used to runs animations only when they are visible.
  • Use declarative animations (CSS Animations and Transitions) where possible. The browser can optimize these away when the animating content is not visible, and they are more efficient than script-driven animation.
  • Avoid network polling to obtain periodic updates from a server. Use WebSockets or Fetch with a persistent connection, instead of polling.

A page that is doing work when it should be idle will also be less responsive to user interaction, so minimizing background activity also improves responsiveness as well as battery life.

Zero CPU usage while in the background

There are various scenarios where a page becomes inactive (not the user’s primary focus), for instance:

  • The user switches to a different tab.
  • The user switches to a different app.
  • The browser window is minimized.
  • The browser window is visible but is not the focused window.
  • The browser window is behind another window.
  • The space the window is on is not the current space.

When a page becomes inactive, WebKit automatically takes steps to save power:

In addition, WebKit takes advantage of features provided by the operating system to maximize efficiency:

  • on iOS, tabs are completely suspended when possible.
  • on macOS, tabs participate in App Nap, which means that the web process for a tab that is not visually updating gets lower priority and has its timers throttled.

However, pages can trigger CPU wake-ups via timers (setTimeout and setInterval), messages, network events, etc. You should avoid these when in the background as much as possible. There are two APIs that are useful for this:

  • Page Visibility API provides a way to respond to a page transitioning to be in the background or foreground. This is a good way to avoid updating the UI while the page is in the background, then using the visibilitychange event to update the content when the page becomes visible.
  • blur events are sent whenever the page is no longer focused. In that case, a page may still be visible but it is not the currently focused window. Depending on the page, it can be a good idea to stop animations.

The easiest way to find problems is Web Inspector’s Timelines. The recording should not show any event happening while the page is in the background.

Hunting Power Inefficiencies

Now that we know the main causes of power use by web pages and have given some general rules about creating power-efficient content, let’s talk about how to identify and fix issues that cause excessive power drain.


As mentioned above, modern CPUs can ramp power use from very low, when the device is idle, to very high to meet the demands of user interaction and other tasks. Because of this, the CPU is a leading cause of battery life variance. CPU usage during page loading is a combination of work the browser engine does to load, parse and render resources, and in executing JavaScript. On many modern web pages, time spent executing JavaScript far exceeds the time spent by the browser in the rest of the loading process, so minimizing JavaScript execution time will have the biggest benefits for power.

The best way to measure CPU usage is with Web Inspector. As we showed in a previous post, the timeline now shows the CPU activity for any selected time range:

To use the CPU efficiently, WebKit distributes work over multiple cores when possible (and pages using Workers will also be able to make use of multiple cores). Web Inspector provides a breakdown of the threads running concurrently with the page’s main thread. For example, the following screenshot shows the threads while scrolling a page with complex rendering and video playback:

When looking for things to optimize, focus on the main thread, since that’s where your JavaScript is running (unless you’re using Workers), and use the “JavaScript and Events” timeline to understand what’s triggering your script. Perhaps you’re doing too much work in response to user or scroll events, or triggering updates of hidden elements from requestAnimationFrame. Be cognizant of work done by JavaScript libraries and third party scripts that you use on your page. To dig deeper, you can use Web Inspector’s JavaScript profiler to see where time is being spent.

Activity in “WebKit Threads” is mostly triggered by work related to JavaScript: JIT compilation and garbage collection, so reducing the amount of script that runs, and reducing the churn of JavaScript objects should lower this.

Various other system frameworks invoked by WebKit make use of threads, so “Other threads” include work done by those; the largest contributor to “Other thread” activity is painting, which we’ll talk about next.


Main thread CPU usage can also be triggered by lots of layout and painting; these are usually triggered by script, but a CSS animation of a property other than transform, opacity and filter can also cause them. Looking at the “Layout and Rendering” timeline will help you understand what’s causing activity.

If the “Layout and Rendering” timeline shows painting but you can’t figure out what’s changing, turn on Paint Flashing:

This will cause those paints to be briefly highlighted with a red overlay; you might have to scroll the page to see them. Be aware that WebKit keeps some “overdraw” tiles to allow for smooth scrolling, so paints that are not visible in the viewport can still be doing work to keep offscreen tiles up-to-date. If a paint shows in the timeline, it’s doing actual work.

In addition to causing power usage by the CPU, painting usually also triggers GPU work. WebKit on macOS and iOS uses the GPU for painting, and so triggering painting can cause significant increases in power. The additional CPU usage will often show under “Other threads” in the CPU Usage timeline.

The GPU is also used for <canvas> rendering, both 2D canvas and WebGL/WebGPU. To minimize drawing, don’t call into the <canvas> APIs if the canvas content isn’t changing, and try to optimize your canvas drawing commands.

Many Mac laptops have two GPUs, an “integrated” GPU which is on the same die as the CPU, and is less powerful but more power-efficient, and a more powerful, but more power-hungry “discrete” GPU. WebKit will default to using the integrated GPU by default; you can request the discrete GPU using the powerPreference context creation parameter, but only do this if you can justify the power cost.


Wireless networking can affect battery life in unexpected ways. Phones are the most affected due to their combination of powerful radios (the WiFi and cellular network chips) with a smaller battery. Unfortunately, measuring the power impact of networking is not easy outside of a lab, but can be reduced by following some simple rules.

The most direct way to reduce networking power usage is to maximize the use of the browser’s cache. All of the best practices for minimizing page load time also benefit the battery by reducing how long the radios need to be powered on.

Another important aspect is to group network requests together temporally. Any time a new request comes, the operating system needs to power on the radio, connect to the base station or cell tower, and transmit the bytes. After transmitting the packets, the radio remains powered for a small amount of time in case more packets are transmitted.

If a page transmits small amounts of data infrequently, the overhead can become larger than the energy required to transmit the data:

Networking Power Overhead of transmitting 2 packets with a delay between them

Such issues can be discovered from Web Inspector in the Network Requests Timeline. For example, the following screenshot shows four separate requests (probably analytics) being sent over several seconds:

Sending all the requests at the same time would improve network power efficiency.


Webpages can be good citizens of battery life.

It’s important to measure the battery impact in Web Inspector and drive those costs down. Doing so improves the user experience and battery life.

The most direct way to improve battery life is to minimize CPU usage. The new Web Inspector provides a tool to monitor that over time.

To achieve great battery life the goals are:

  • Drive CPU usage to zero in idle
  • Maximize performance during user interaction to quickly get back to idle

If you have any questions, feel free to reach me, Joseph Pecoraro, Devin Rousso, and of course Jon Davis.

Note: Learn more about Web Inspector from the Web Inspector Reference documentation.
Changing Page Settings on iOS Using Web Inspector https://webkit.org/blog/9454/changing-page-settings-on-ios-using-web-inspector/ Fri, 02 Aug 2019 05:56:25 +0000 https://webkit.org/?p=9454 figure picture img { width: 100%; }

If you’ve ever used Web Inspector before, chances are you’ve used (or are at least familiar with) the Develop menu. It holds action items and toggles for various settings of the browser, like whether local files (e.g. URLs beginning with file://) can be loaded or whether CSS is applied to each page.

All of these items apply to the entire browser, meaning that if you Disable Styles on one page, every other page will be affected.

Additionally, these items have no effect when using Web Inspector to inspect a remote target, like an iOS device or simulator. Checking Disable Styles in the Develop menu will not have any affect on the remote target.

In order to support this development workflow, Web Inspector has added a device settings menu that allows these settings to be toggled per-page when being remotely inspected.

Clicking on the device settings menu icon will show a popover with many of the same settings as the Develop menu.

Since these settings apply per-page and only on the remote target, the corresponding actions in the Develop menu are disabled, as they have no effect on a remote target:

  • Disable Images
  • Disable Styles
  • Disable JavaScript
  • Disable Site-specific Hacks
  • Disable Cross-Origin Restrictions
  • WebRTC
    • Allow Media Capture on Insecure Sites
    • Disable ICE Candidate Restrictions
    • Use Mock Capture Devices

Along these lines, the device settings menu is only shown when using Web Inspector to inspect a remote target.

Device settings are not preserved between Web Inspector sessions. Closing Web Inspector (or disconnecting the inspected device) will cause all previously set device settings for the inspected page to reset.

Device settings are preserved across navigations, however, so long as Web Inspector stays open/connected.

User Agent

The first item in the device settings menu is the User Agent editor. It contains a list of common user agents, as well as an option to input a custom user agent (Other…).

Each time the User Agent is modified, the inspected page will automatically reload so that the new User Agent is applied.

Disable Toggles

Each of these toggles, when checked, disables a specific piece of functionality in the inspected page.

  • Images will prevent any not-yet loaded images from loading, but will have no effect on any already loaded images.
  • Styles will immediately disable all CSS on the page, including inline <style>s and any style DOM attributes.
  • JavaScript will cause the page to ignore any future JavaScript from being run, including new <script> elements (the underlying resource isn’t even requested) and callbacks for previously added event listeners.
  • Site-specific Hacks controls whether workarounds are made by WebKit to support compatibility on certain sites.
    • A list of these sites can be found in Source/WebCore/page/Quirks.cpp.
    • If you develop a site that is found in that list, we strongly encourage developing and testing with Site-specific Hacks disabled.
  • Cross-Origin Restrictions controls whether CORS rules/restrictions are active for any future network requests.

WebRTC Toggles

These toggles focus specifically on functionality related to WebRTC.

  • Allow Media Capture on Insecure Sites will allow WebRTC media capture to be used/tested on insecure (e.g. non-https) pages for any future calls of getUserMedia.
  • Disable ICE Candidate Restrictions will prevent host ICE candidates from being filtered for new connection attempts.
  • Use Mock Capture Devices will replace all capture devices with a mock “Bip-Bop” device for any future calls of getUserMedia.
  • Disable Encryption will cause future connections to be established and future streams (from those connections) to be transmitted without any form of encryption.


You can try out changing device settings with iOS 12.2 or later. Let us know how it works for you. Send feedback on Twitter (@webkit, @dcrousso) or by filing a bug.

Note: Learn more about Web Inspector from the Web Inspector Reference documentation.
WebDriver is Coming to Safari in iOS 13 https://webkit.org/blog/9395/webdriver-is-coming-to-safari-in-ios-13/ Mon, 08 Jul 2019 17:00:58 +0000 https://webkit.org/?p=9395 As anyone who has developed a mobile-friendly site can tell you, mobile browsers and desktop browsers are different. As device capabilities continue to evolve and users move more of their browsing to mobile browsers, web developers are facing an increasing need to write automated tests for the mobile web in the same way that desktop-oriented site content is tested.

Starting in iOS 13, Safari now includes native support for the W3C WebDriver standard. This feature builds on existing support for WebDriver in desktop Safari, first introduced in Safari 10 and macOS Sierra. This blog post explains how to get started with WebDriver for iOS, how to port your existing desktop-oriented tests, and a few details regarding safeguards and changes in behavior.

Getting Started

Control via WebDriver is exposed to developers via the /usr/bin/safaridriver executable, which hosts a driver that handles REST API requests sent by WebDriver test clients. In order to run WebDriver tests on an iOS device, it must be plugged into a macOS host that has a new enough version of safaridriver. Support for hosting iOS-based WebDriver sessions is available in safaridriver included with Safari 13 and later. Older versions of safaridriver do not support iOS WebDriver sessions.

If you’ve never used safaridriver on macOS before, you’ll first need to run safaridriver --enable and authenticate as an administrator. Then, you must enable Remote Automation on every device that you intend to use for WebDriver. To do this, toggle the setting in Settings → Safari → Advanced → Remote Automation.

Remote Automation Setting on iOS

Lastly, to run tests on the device, you’ll need to plug it into the macOS machine, trust the host, and ensure that it is unlocked when you try to start the WebDriver session.

Since safaridriver is capable of starting WebDriver sessions using Safari on the macOS host or Safari on an attached iOS device, it needs a little extra hint to know that you want to use a device or a desktop machine. To facilitate this, safaridriver supports many new capabilities that may be provided with a new session request. The most important new capability to use is ‘platformName’: ‘ios’; this tells the driver you want an iOS host instead of a macOS host. You can also specify the host(s) you wish to use by specifying device type, device UDID, device name, OS version, OS build, and browser version via standardized and extension capabilities. Lastly, safaridriver supports running WebDriver tests on iOS Simulator devices whose runtime is iOS 13 or later. To use a simulator for testing, add the capability ‘safari:useSimulator’: true. For a full list of supported capabilities and their semantics, please consult the safaridriver(1) man page by executing man safaridriver.


While it’s awesome to be able to write automated tests that run in Safari, a REST API for browser automation introduces a potential vector for malicious software. To support a valuable automation API without sacrificing a user’s privacy or security, Safari’s driver implementation introduces extra safeguards that further restrict browsing in WebDriver sessions. These safeguards also double as extra insurance against “flaky tests” by providing enhanced test isolation. Some of these safeguards are described below.

Just like on macOS, Safari on iOS isolates WebDriver tests by using a separate set of windows, tabs, preferences, and persistent storage. When a WebDriver session is active, existing tabs are hidden and a distinctively-colored WebDriver window is shown instead. Automation windows are easy to recognize by their orange Smart Search field. Similar to browsing in a Private Browsing window, WebDriver tests that run in an Automation window always start from a clean slate and cannot access Safari’s normal browsing history, AutoFill data, or other sensitive information. Aside from the obvious privacy benefits, this restriction also helps to ensure that tests are not affected by a previous test session’s persistent state such as local storage or cookies. When the WebDriver session terminates, the orange window goes away, preexisting tabs are restored, and any state accumulated during the WebDriver session is destroyed.

As a WebDriver test is executing in an Automation window, any attempts to interact with the window or web content could derail the test by unexpectedly changing the state of the page. To prevent this from happening, Safari installs a “glass pane” over the Automation window while the test is running. This blocks any stray interactions (mouse, keyboard, resizing, and so on) from affecting the Automation window. If a running test gets stuck or fails, it’s possible to interrupt the running test by tapping on the screen and choosing to end the session. When an automation session is interrupted, the test’s connection to the browser is permanently severed and cannot be resumed. Notifications and system gestures (i.e., slide in from top/bottom) are also suppressed while WebDriver tests are running in order to avoid flakiness.

Glass Pane

A non-goal of this release is to support general-purpose device automation via the WebDriver API. The W3C WebDriver API focuses on automating interactions with web content, and that is also the focus of the WebDriver support added in iOS 13. Other means exist to change system-level configuration with the XCTest Framework, and are complimentary to WebDriver. There are other ways in which web content interacts with the rest of iOS, and most of these are suppressed in order to provide a stable testing environment. Safari for iOS does not allow WebDriver-initiated navigations to be handled outside of Safari. In other words, clicking a tel:// link will not offer to place a phone call, and clicking an app store link will not redirect the user to the App Store. Similarly, non-Safari content displayed by the system–such as update dialogs, app notifications, incoming calls, etc.–are suppressed while a WebDriver session is active. Lastly, the software keyboard is suppressed when focusing text fields in WebDriver sessions. To simulate text input with WebDriver, use the existing Perform Actions endpoint or Element Send Keys endpoint.

Porting Tests

A major goal of iOS 13 is to make it easier to develop and consume desktop-like web experiences on mobile devices. Towards that end, a major goal for WebDriver on iOS is to make it easy to port existing desktop-oriented WebDriver tests to work with Desktop-class browsing in Safari on iPadOS. As much as we’d like to treat macOS and iOS devices the same in our tests, there are important differences that affect how you may want to use WebDriver.

The first notable difference is handling of user input, namely touch and clicks. In this initial version of WebDriver on iOS, simulated input sources include keyboard, mouse, and single-finger touches. The Perform Actions command and Element Click command synthesize touches using mouse inputs. If your existing test uses mouse clicks, double, clicks, and drags, safaridriver converts these interactions into equivalent single finger touches; no code needs to be changed. Multiple touch input sources (i.e., fingers) are not supported in this release. We experimented with offering this via the existing Perform Actions endpoint, but found that it was difficult to author WebDriver commands that performed well-known gestures such as flick, pinch, pan, and so on. This is partly due to the low-level nature of the Actions API, and partly due to the timing-sensitive nature of gesture recognizers used by Safari and WebKit. Apple is working within the W3C WebDriver working group to define a more expressive, intuitive, and stable API for performing gestures in WebDriver tests.

A less surprising difference between macOS and iOS WebDriver is that endpoints to manipulate the OS window are generally not supported by Safari on iOS. Specifically, the Set Window Rect, Minimize Window, and Maximize Window endpoints will return “unsupported operation”. For more detailed information concerning which endpoints are supported, see the W3C WebDriver Commands reference.


With the introduction of native WebDriver support in Safari on iOS 13, it’s now possible to run the same automated tests of desktop-oriented web content on desktop and mobile devices equally. Safari’s support comes with new, exclusive safeguards to simultaneously protect user security and privacy and also help you write more stable and consistent tests. You can try out Safari’s WebDriver support today by installing a beta of macOS Catalina and iOS 13.

If you encounter unexpected behavior in Safari’s WebDriver support, or have other suggestions for improvement, please file a bug at https://bugreport.apple.com/. For quick questions or feedback, email web-evangelist@apple.com or tweet @webkit on Twitter. Happy testing!

Note: Learn more about Web Inspector from the Web Inspector Reference documentation.
CPU Timeline in Web Inspector https://webkit.org/blog/8993/cpu-timeline-in-web-inspector/ Thu, 06 Jun 2019 14:00:07 +0000 https://webkit.org/?p=8993 Web Inspector now includes a new CPU usage timeline that lets developers measure a page’s CPU usage, estimate its energy impact, and more easily investigate sources of script execution that may be contributing to poor energy utilization.

Energy Efficiency

Web applications for productivity and entertainment are commonplace. For many users, popular websites are often left open in the foreground of their browser or inactive in a background tab for extended periods of time. The activity on all of these pages may contribute to power drain. Many of the devices used to browse the web are battery powered. To all of those users, battery life matters!

Ensuring web applications make the best use of limited resources is a difficult problem. Having a powerful set of tools makes it easier for developers to investigate and identify performance issues. Many different variables affect energy use on web pages, but the most prominent is CPU activity. Monitoring CPU usage can provide an overall estimate of the energy efficiency of a web page and can highlight cause for concern if activity is too high.

CPU Timeline

The new CPU usage timeline is enabled by default. Open the Timelines tab of Web Inspector and you will see a new CPU timeline in the overview at the top. Select the timeline to show its detail view, which including a breakdown of the main thread activity, an energy impact rating, and more.

New CPU Usage Timeline New CPU Usage Timeline New CPU Usage Timeline New CPU Usage Timeline

The CPU timeline overview shows CPU usage samples taken every 500ms. You can use these samples to visualize activity spikes, and how they correlate with networking, layout and rendering, and JavaScript. To see a detailed overview of CPU usage in a specific section of a recording, click and drag to make a time range selection.

Main Thread Breakdown

The first section of the detail view is a breakdown of the work being performed on the main thread. While the total CPU usage across all threads is important, the work performed on the main thread is particularly important for web content.

CPU Timeline Main Thread Breakdown

Principal tasks such as evaluating script, painting, layout, and style resolution are performed on the main thread. The chart allows you to quickly see a comparison of where time is spent in each of these categories.

The main thread is primarily active in order to service user interaction events such as scrolling and clicking or tapping on a page. This means that the main thread may have periods of inactivity. The number inside the chart shows the approximate number of milliseconds the main thread was active. This number may be much smaller than the total selected time range in the overview.

Different interactions produce different main thread workloads. For example, scrolling the page will increase the time spent painting, resizing the window will cause additional layouts, and typing into a form may execute scripts.

Energy Impact

The Energy Impact section provides an estimate of the battery drain caused by the page. This is based off of the average CPU usage for the selected time range.

Extended periods of high CPU utilization will show “High” energy impact, since sustained high CPU usage will drain power and have a noticeable effect on battery life. When making use of this section there are two important scenarios to consider and measure:

  • Idle recordings – An idle page can be one sitting in the foreground not being interacted with by the user, or a background tab that is still alive. It is important that idle pages use as little energy and CPU as possible. Recordings of idle pages should strive for a “Low” rating (less than 3% average CPU usage).

  • Interactive recordings – Recordings that include interactivity such as navigating, scrolling, clicking, typing, etc. should expect higher CPU usage because the page is responding to the user. Periods of interactivity should strive to maintain a “Medium” rating (less than 30% average CPU usage) and avoid “High” if possible.

While WebKit does work to throttle timers and limit the impact of background tabs or obscured content, idle pages may still perform costly work. Likewise foreground pages that are constantly performing script, such as timers or excessive event handling, may drain battery without any obvious indication.

It is important to select a sufficiently large time range so that a single spike in CPU activity doesn’t dominate the average. Page load for example will briefly use very high CPU activity as the initial cost to download and render the page is high. A short time range selection during page load, or during a period of user interaction with the page, may show a high Energy Impact but may not drain the battery if the usage is not sustained. Normal browsing scenarios have idle periods between loads while users read or more slowly interact with page content. A selection range of 15 seconds or more will produce a more realistic estimate of battery drain than a short selection.

Per-Thread Details

The center of the detail view includes a larger CPU usage graph broken down by thread. The legend shows the different colors for the main thread, worker threads, and other threads. Hover the graph and you get the exact values for the nearest sample. Below the graph is the Main Thread indicator strip. This shows each of the individual samples of main thread activity. Clicking on this strip will take you directly to the event happening at that time in the event’s associated timeline.

For an even more detailed breakdown by individual threads and thread groups you can expand the lower Threads section. While the main thread and worker threads will be individually graphed, the remaining threads are grouped. WebKit threads include any threads performing work known to WebKit such as Garbage Collection, JIT compilation, bmalloc scavanger, and more. CPU usage on any remaining threads are put into an unclassified group.

Statistics and Sources

These sections provide more detailed insight into the activity that occurred on the page within the selected time range.

The Statistics section enumerates different kinds of activities that occured on the page and their individual frequencies. Activity includes network requests and entry into script via timers, events, or observer callbacks. The values are sorted by frequency so you can immediately see the most commonly occurring activities which may warrant investigation.

The Sources section pinpoints and aggregates the sources of entries into script. This includes timer installations, event handlers, and observer handlers. Values are again sorted by frequency so you can immediately see the hottest entry points. For timers, we include the function name where the timer was installed. This makes it easy to detect and investigate unexpected timer registrations.

The two sections work together to make a powerful debugging tool. Categories of script entries can be selected from the Statistics section and the Sources section will filter to show the corresponding script entry points. For example, by selecting requestAnimationFrame the Sources list will immediately filter down to show only the animation timer installations. With one more click you can then jump to the associated code and place breakpoints for further debugging.

Timeline Import & Export

Web Inspector now supports importing and exporting timeline recordings. Now when you capture a recording of a performance issue you can export the recording to share with others, attach to a bug report, or just save for later analysis.

Import and export works across all of the timelines. This makes it useful for all kinds of performance analysis, not just the new CPU timeline. If you captured a recording with an interesting JavaScript and Events profile or one with JavaScript Allocations heap snapshots showing a memory leak, export and import will work great in each of these cases.


You can try out the new CPU Usage Timeline in the latest Safari Technology Preview. Let us know how it works for you. Stay tuned for upcoming blog posts on best practices for energy efficient web content. Send feedback on Twitter (@webkit, @JosephPecoraro) or by filing a bug.

Note: Learn more about Web Inspector from the Web Inspector Reference documentation.