Safari Technology Preview – WebKit Open Source Web Browser Engine Thu, 09 May 2024 20:38:28 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Release Notes for Safari Technology Preview 194 Thu, 09 May 2024 20:38:28 +0000 Safari Technology Preview Release 194 is now available for download for macOS Sonoma and macOS Ventura. If you already have Safari Technology Preview installed, you can update it in System Settings under General → Software Update.

This release includes WebKit changes between: 277150@main…277790@main.


Resolved Issues

  • Fixed range input not firing an input event when incremented or decremented via accessibility APIs. (277182@main) (85707481)
  • Fixed setting aria-hidden on a slot not hiding the slot’s assigned nodes. (277359@main) (108762653)
  • Fixed aria-hidden=true to be ignored on the <body> and <html> elements. (277677@main) (123049663)


Resolved Issues

  • Fixed OffscreenCanvas failing to render to the placeholder with nested workers. (277328@main) (126069375)
  • Fixed losing the contents layer of the placeholder canvas of OffscreenCanvas when switching off the tab. (277654@main) (126070648)


Resolved Issues

  • Fixed an incorrect difference between implicit and explicit initial values for custom properties. (277670@main) (124573975)
  • Fixed excluding -apple-pay-button from applying to any element that supports appearance: auto and is not a button. (277268@main) (126107516)
  • Fixed missing color interpretation methods added to CSS color specifications. (277481@main) (126444371)


New Features

  • Added support for the v flag with RegExp.prototype[Symbol.matchAll]. (277160@main) (126017731)
  • Added support for Unicode 15.1.0 characters in RegExp. (277786@main) (126863692)

Resolved Issues

  • Fixed RegExp.prototype.@@split to update the following legacy RegExp static properties: RegExp.input, RegExp.lastMatch, RegExp.lastParen, RegExp.leftContext, RegExp.rightContext, and RegExp.$1, ... RegExp.$9. (277559@main) (99865597)
  • Fixed logical assignment expressions to throw a syntax error when the left side of the assignment is a function call. (277536@main) (126540636)


Resolved Issues

  • Fixed incorrect Sec-Fetch-Site value for navigation of a nested document. (277662@main (109358563)


Resolved Issues

  • Fixed incorrect View Transition snapshot position when page is scrolled. (277371@main) (123668892)
  • Fixed Masonry to correctly perform intrinsic sizing. (277403@main) (124240255)
  • Fixed visual overflow causing shifts in View Transitions. (277183@main) (125882228)
  • Fixed snapshot scaling when animating View Transitions. (277636@main) (125931538)
  • Fixed capturing the root background showing a white area at bottom in View Transitions. (272224@main) (125931851)
  • Fixed incorrect grid item positioning with out-of-flow sibling. (277300@main) (126207467)
  • Fixed visual overflow rect to be recomputed at every frame of View Transitions. (277482@main) (126240398)
  • Fixed break-word with a float discarding text. (277461@main) (126309547)
  • Fixed rendering 3D transforms in View Transitions. (277639@main) (126513916)
  • Fixed image capture rectangle not including positioned descendants. (277714@main) (126660740)


New Features

  • Added animation support for the d property in SVG. (277299@main) (126206354)

Resolved Issues

  • Fixed clipping an SVG when an SVGFilter is applied to its root. (265135@main) (118938065)

Web Animations

Resolved Issues

  • Fixed updating an animation when changing the value of a transform property while that property is animated with an implicit keyframe. (277257@main) (126126617)
  • Fixed animating with color-mix. (277256@main) (126148201)


New Features

  • Added support for serializing shadow roots through getHTML() as well as the corresponding shadow root serializable feature. (277374@main) (125513986)

Resolved Issues

  • Fixed throwing exceptions in navigation methods if in a detached state. (277487@main) (123898636)
  • Fixed a minor issue in URL’s host setter. (277531@main) (124363495)
  • Fixed GeolocationCoordinates to expose a toJSON() method. (277347@main) (126183686)
  • Fixed GeolocationPosition to expose a toJSON() method. (277413@main) (126247408)
  • Fixed setting when dispatching an event. (277435@main) (126311287)

Web Extensions

Resolved Issues

  • Fixed permissionState to be requested if an extension has the webNavigation permission. (277308@main) (126212951)


New Features

  • Enabled support for the following approved extensions: EXT_render_snorm, OES_sample_variables, and OES_shader_multisample_interpolation. (277775@main) (126863775)
Release Notes for Safari Technology Preview 193 Wed, 24 Apr 2024 23:23:59 +0000 Safari Technology Preview Release 193 is now available for download for macOS Sonoma and macOS Ventura. If you already have Safari Technology Preview installed, you can update it in System Settings under General → Software Update.

This release includes WebKit changes between: 276610@main…277149@main.


Resolved Issues

  • Fixed hidden elements targeted by aria-labelledby to expose their entire subtree text, not just their direct child text. (276864@main) (125634439)
  • Fixed accessible name computation for elements with visibility: visible inside a container with visibility: hidden. (277004@main) (125738704)


Resolved Issues

  • Fixed the Grid track sizing algorithm logical height computation avoid unnecessary grid item updates. (276633@main) (124713418)
  • Fixed the style adjuster for @starting-style incorrectly invoking with a null element. (276993@main) (125837628)


Resolved Issues

  • Fixed the value attribute not getting displayed in an input element with type="email" and the multiple attribute. (276895@main) (125221858)


Resolved Issues

  • Fixed inconsistent output of Function.prototype.toString for accessor properties. (276904@main) (125739577)


Resolved Issues

  • Fixed intrinsic inline size calculators to account for whitespace before an empty child with nonzero margins. (276875@main) (122586712)
  • Fixed overlapping elements with flex box when height: 100% is applied on nested content. (276880@main) (125572851)
  • Fixed block containers that are scroll containers to default to unsafe alignment. (276929@main) (125742095)


New Features

  • Added support for PopStateEvent’s hasUAVisualTransition. (277001@main) (125849073)

Resolved Issues

  • Fixed cloning of ShadowRoot nodes following a DOM Standard clarification. (277066@main) (125917138)

Web Inspector

Resolved Issues

  • Fixed Console and code editor completion not auto-scrolling the suggestion into view. (277034@main) (124979790)
  • Fixed search in the DOM tree view unexpectedly chaning the text display. (277073@main) (125797803)
Release Notes for Safari Technology Preview 192 Wed, 10 Apr 2024 21:30:54 +0000 Safari Technology Preview Release 192 is now available for download for macOS Sonoma and macOS Ventura. If you already have Safari Technology Preview installed, you can update it in System Settings under General → Software Update.

This release includes WebKit changes between: 276247@main…276863@main.


Resolved Issues

  • Fixed setting the cancel flag once the cancel completes regardless of a subsequent request occurring. (276368@main) (124727713)


New Features

  • Added support for View Transitions. (276426@main) (123128491)

Resolved Issues

  • Fixed setting white-space to a non-default value dynamically on a whitespace or a new line. (276277@main) (92559818)
  • Fixed the proximity calculation for implicit @scope. (276345@main) (124640124)
  • Fixed the Grid track sizing algorithm logical height computation avoid unnecessary grid item updates. (276633@main) (124713418)
  • Fixed any @scope limit making the element out of scope. (276359@main) (124956673)
  • Fixed the contrast of Menu and MenuText system colors. (276597@main) (125270664)
  • Fixed keeping the shorthand value for CSS gap as-is in serialized and computed values. (276794@main) (125335787)


  • Removed WEBKIT_KEYFRAMES_RULE and WEBKIT_KEYFRAME_RULE in CSSRule. (276264@main) (97084520)
  • Removed the SVGAnimateColorElement interface. (276683@main) (122586568)


Resolved Issues

  • Fixed certain text being duplicated or misplaced. (276317@main) (123642870)
  • Fixed word completion suggestion interfering with a website’s suggestion results. (276344@main) (124727588)


Resolved Issues

  • Fixed Object.groupBy and Map.groupBy to work for non-objects. (276736@main) (125485685)
  • Fixed Array.fromAsync to not call the Array constructor twice. (276752@main) (125509304)


New Features

  • Added support for MSE in workers. (276389@main) (123052315)

Resolved Issues

  • Fixed scrolling for an element when a video element with pointer-events: none is placed over it. (276807@main) (118936715)
  • Fixed allowing a video’s currentTime to be further than the gap’s start time. (276761@main) (124186726)
  • Fixed sampleRate and numberOfChanges to be required and non-zero in a valid AudioEncoderConfig. (276413@main) (125107934)
  • Fixed media elements appending the same media segment twice. (276821@main) (125386530)


Resolved Issues

  • Fixed adjusting the size of the scrollable area when changing betwen non-overlay and overlay scrollbars. (276439@main) (117507268)
  • Fixed flickering when showing a layer on a painted background for the first time by avoiding async image decoding. (276513@main) (117533495)
  • Fixed line breaking before or between ruby sequences. (276353@main) (122663646)


New Features

  • Added support for URL.parse(). (276656@main) (125376520)
  • Added support for shadowRootDelegatesFocus and shadowRootClonable to <template>. (276631@main) (125401993)

Resolved Issues

  • Fixed URL text fragment directives not fully stripped from JavaScript. (276370@main) (107326333)
  • Fixed inserting a <picture> element displaying the same image twice. (276754@main) (123795045)

Web Extensions

New Features

  • Updated to use the web extension architecture in open-source WebKit code. Web extension authors are encouraged to test your extensions and report issues. (123908710)

Web Inspector

Resolved Issues

  • Fixed console clearing unexpectedly when Web Inspector reopens. (276705@main) (124171190)
Release Notes for Safari Technology Preview 191 Thu, 28 Mar 2024 14:16:05 +0000 Safari Technology Preview Release 191 is now available for download for macOS Sonoma and macOS Ventura. If you already have Safari Technology Preview installed, you can update it in System Settings under General → Software Update.

This release includes WebKit changes between: 274942@main…276246@main.


New Features

  • Added support for ariaBrailleLabel and ariaBrailleRoleDescription element reflection properties. (275591@main) (123926949)

Resolved Issues

  • Fixed a bug preventing VoiceOver word echoing in some text fields. (275694@main) (122451549) (FB13592798)
  • Fixed time input accessibility by adding labels to subfields. (275301@main) (122590568)
  • Fixed datetime values being exposed to assistive technologies in the wrong timezone. (275265@main) (123522296)
  • Fixed time control accessibility by adding a label to the meridiem component. (276195@main) (123781149)
  • Fixed wrong datetime value being exposed to assistive technologies for datetime-local inputs. (275548@main) (123803281)
  • Fixed the computed role for these elements: dd, details, dt, em, hgroup, option, s, and strong. (276240@main) (124641956)


Resolved Issues

  • Fixed excludeCredentials property being ignored during a passkey registration request. (276006@main) (124405037)


Resolved Issues

  • Fixed getComputedStyle() to work with functional pseudo-elements like ::highlight(). (274846@main) (117864743)
  • Fixed changing color scheme to update gradients with system colors or light-dark(). (275645@main) (121285450)
  • Fixed :empty selector to work with animations. (275832@main) (122838142)
  • Fixed starting style to inherit from its parent’s after-change style. (275061@main) (123302667)
  • Fixed CSS container style queries to allow !important. (275104@main) (123374708)
  • Fixed preserving whitespace when serializing custom properties. (275236@main) (123491915)
  • Fixed updating style correctly for non-inherited custom property mutations. (275445@main) (123645196)
  • Fixed element removed by parent to end up losing the last remembered size. (275606@main) (123975513)
  • Fixed resolving container units in style queries. (275689@main) (124058441)


Resolved Issues

  • Fixed native text fields becoming invisible in dark mode. (275363@main) (123658326)
  • Fixed <select multiple> scrollbars to match the used color scheme. (275505@main) (123807167)
  • Fixed fallback native <select> rendering in dark mode. (275532@main) (123845293)


Resolved Issues

  • Fixed String.prototype.replace to not take the fast path if the pattern is RegExp Object and the lastIndex is not numeric. (275255@main) (101122567)
  • Fixed Symbol.species getters to not share a single JS Function. (275064@main) (120416817)
  • Fixed try/catch to not intercept errors originated in [[Construct]] of derived class. (275353@main) (121959506)
  • Fixed TypedArray sorting methods to have a special-case for camparator returning false. (276130@main) (122093956)
  • Fixed emitReturn() to load this value from arrow function lexical environment prior to the TDZ check. (275425@main) (122430056)
  • Fixed NFKC normalization to work with Latin-1 characters. (275062@main) (123328161)
  • Fixed parsing of private names with Unicode start characters. (275152@main) (123425805)
  • Fixed instanceof to not get RHS prototype when LHS is primitive. (275318@main) (123629166)
  • Fixed bracket update expression to resolve property key at most once. (275531@main) (123872374)
  • Fixed bracket compound assignement to resolve the property key at most once. (276014@main) (124420301)

Lockdown Mode

Resolved Issues

  • Fixed: Updated the trusted list of fonts to address missing glyphs on some sites. (275705@main) (123658932)


New Features

  • Added support for WebCodecs AV1 when an AV1 hardware decoder is available. (275174@main) (123433815)

Resolved Issues

  • Fixed audio distortion over internal speakers when streaming content in web browsers. (275262@main) (122590884)
  • Fixed playback for MSE videos on some sites. (275443@main) (123528095)
  • Fixed firing loadeddata events for <audio> and <video> on page load. (275997@main) (124079735) (FB13675360)


Resolved Issues

  • Fixed returning the initial value for the SVG gradient stop-color if it is not rendered in the page. (274997@main) (123262508)
  • Fixed the SVG marker segment calculations if the marker path consists of sub-paths. (275167@main) (123434203)


Resolved Issues

  • Fixed cssTextsetter to change the style attribute when the serialization differs. (276176@main) (29861252) (FB5535475)
  • Fixed mousemove events in an iframe when the mouse is clicked from outside the iframe and then moves into it while the button is held down. (275157@main) (120540148) (FB13517196)
  • Fixed getGamepads() to no longer trigger an insecure contexts warning. (274962@main) (123039555)


  • Removed HashChangeEvent‘s non-standard initHashChangeEvent() method. (276232@main) (124736521)

Web Inspector

Resolved Issues

  • Fixed expanded sections of Storage to not collapse. (275783@main) (107687975)
  • Fixed CSS font property values marked !important not getting overridden when using the interactive editing controls. (275389@main) (112080113)
  • Fixed runtimes to be aligned in the Audit tab. (275298@main) (121810292)
  • Fixed info and debug buttons not appearing in the Console Tab until new console messages are displayed. (275914@main) (122923625)
  • Fixed remembering the message type selection in the Console tab. (275143@main) (122924275)
  • Fixed autocomplete for the text-indent property suggesting prefixed properties instead of each-line or hanging. (274979@main) (123240715)
  • Fixed background autocompletion suggestion to include repeating-conic-gradient. (275160@main) (123428709)


Resolved Issues

Release Notes for Safari Technology Preview 190 Wed, 06 Mar 2024 22:50:22 +0000 Safari Technology Preview Release 190 is now available for download for macOS Sonoma and macOS Ventura. If you already have Safari Technology Preview installed, you can update it in System Settings under General → Software Update.

This release includes WebKit changes between: 274067@main…274941@main.


New Features

  • Added support for CTAP to set a pin. (274385@main) (113573055)


New Features

  • Added support for the safe keyword in flexbox properties. (274304@main) (118000717)
  • Added support for CSS style container queries. (274481@main) (122800215)

Resolved Issues

  • Fixed getComputedStyle() to work with functional pseudo-elements like ::highlight(). (274846@main) (117864743)


Resolved Issues

  • Fixed the properties of History to throw a SecurityError when not in a fully active Document. (274260@main) (118750576)


New Features

  • Added support for the shadowrootclonable attribute and aligned with declarative shadow root standards changes. In particular, web developers will now have to set this attribute if they want their declarative shadow root to be clonable. (274727@main) (123006751)


Resolved Issues

  • Fixed several issues:
    • direct eval() in a default value expression inside a rest parameter creates a variable in the environment of the function rather than the separate one of the parameters;
    • a ReferenceError is thrown when accessing a binding, which is defined inside rest parameter, in eval(), or a closure created in a default value expression of a preceding parameter, but only if there is a var binding by the same name;
    • a closure, created in the default value expression inside a rest parameter, is created in a different VariableEnvironment of the function than its counterparts in preceding parameters which causes the incorrect environment to be consulted when querying or modifying parameter names that are “shadowed” by var bindings. (274109@main) (121961421)


Resolved Issues

  • Fixed pseudo-element font size calculation to fix subtitle size in fullscreen mode. (274480@main) (122584350)


  • Removed non-standard VTTRegion.track. (274936@main) (123172214)


Resolved Issues

  • Fixed upgrading inactive or passive subresource requests and fetches in would-be mixed security contexts to match standards. (274409@main) (101678657)
  • Fixed loading WebArchives with a non-persistent datastore. (274565@main) (122290562)


Resolved Issues

  • Fixed backdrop-filter to apply to the border area of an element with a border-radius. (274757@main) (122295068)


New Features

  • Added support for the turn unit in <angle>. (274778@main) (120840743)

Resolved Issues

  • Fixed the UA stylesheet for links in SVGs to apply cursor: pointer matching standards. (274422@main) (122715957)


Resolved Issues

  • Fixed the URL parser to parse URLs that include authority and a backslash after the host. (274915@main) (119219832)


Resolved Issues

  • Fixed changing HTMLCanvasElement width or height causing intermediate buffer allocations. (274135@main) (122309325)
  • Fixed canvas captureStream stuttering with WebGL. (274454@main) (122471664)
  • Fixed DOM Range to correctly account for CDATASection nodes. (274346@main) (122608224)

Web Inspector


  • Disabled the network throttling experimental feature. (274112@main) (122327408)
Release Notes for Safari Technology Preview 189 Thu, 22 Feb 2024 01:10:16 +0000 Safari Technology Preview Release 189 is now available for download for macOS Sonoma and macOS Ventura. If you already have Safari Technology Preview installed, you can update it in System Settings under General → Software Update.

This release includes WebKit changes between: 273602@main…274066@main.


New Features

  • Added support for light-dark() function for color values. (273634@main) (117033939)
  • Added support for @starting-style. (273740@main) (121918611)

Resolved Issues

  • Fixed named at-rule container getting skipped when the container is named in a :host selector. (273987@main) (120428386)
  • Fixed the name for a ::slotted pseudo-element in a container query getting resolved against the wrong scope. (274050@main) (122224135)


  • Removed :-webkit-full-screen-ancestor pseudo-class. (273620@main) (100782937)
  • Removed :-webkit-full-screen-controls-hidden pseudo-class. (273619@main) (121323330)
  • Removed :-webkit-full-page-media pseudo-class. (273618@main) (121752962)
  • Removed :-webkit-full-screen-document pseudo-class. (273639@main) (121816310)


Resolved Issues

  • Fixed parsing a self-closing SVG script element. It now successfully executes. (273697@main) (121887875)
  • Fixed “about:blank” document.referrer initialization. (273830@main) (97689906)


Resolved Issues

  • Fixed throwing a RangeError if Set methods are called on an object with negative size property. (274009@main) (121310940)
  • Fixed eval() function from another realm to not cause a direct eval call. (273782@main) (121546048)
  • Fixed eval() call with ...spread syntaxt to be a direct call. (273788@main) (121547890)
  • Fixed programming style for bitwise and in setExpectionPorts. (273960@main) (122138733)


Resolved Issues

  • Fixed Greek uppercase transforms failing for some characters. (274036@main) (90364897)
  • Fixed lingering boxes with content-visibility: hidden. (273602@main) (117916396)
  • Fixed parts of the content disappear when interacting with overflow:scroll, z-index and positioning (including Heroku apps). (273999@main) (120373474)
  • Fixed align-content and justify-content on scroll containers causing overflowing content to become inaccessible. (273737@main) (121366949)
  • Fixed line break at gaps between two inline elements in a container with white-space: nowrap. (121859917)
  • Fixed a floating element causing the latter half of a hyphenated word to disappear. (273836@main) (121889487)
  • Fixed cropped first letter for custom fonts that report negative advance width. (121891210)


Resolved Issues

  • Fixed SVG title to have display: none as the default UA style rule. (273991@main) (122185838)


Resolved Issues

  • Fixed history.pushState() and history.replaceState() to ignore the title argument. (273650@main) (75695791)
  • Fixed lang attribute in no namespace to only apply to HTML and SVG elements. (273726@main) (117795695)
  • Fixed spelling of clonable. (274063@main) (121516711)


  • Removed which from KeyboardEvent. (273701@main) (106580687)

Web Inspector

New Features

  • Added a Media details panel to Web Inspector when selecting a <video> or <audio> element in the Elements tab. (273777@main) (118865793)

Resolved Issues

  • Fixed font sizes in the Audits tab. (273615@main) (76162927)


Resolved Issues

  • Fixed navigator.credentials.create() rejects with “NotAllowedError: Operation Failed” after a conditional UI request is aborted. (273918@main) (109936742)


New Features

  • Enabled support for EXT_texture_mirror_clamp_to_edge, WEBGL_render_shared_exponent, and WEBGL_stencil_texturing. (273645@main) (121835897)


New Features

  • Added support for missing WebRTC stats. (273643@main) (121594743)

Resolved Issues

  • Fixed a bug that prevented HTML canvas elements from always being marked dirty on initialization. This could cause some video effects to have choppy animations. (273897@main) (121257960)
  • Fixed VideoTrackGenerator writer to close when its generator track (and all its clones) are stopped. (273778@main) (121835553)
Release Notes for Safari Technology Preview 188 Wed, 07 Feb 2024 22:57:22 +0000 Safari Technology Preview Release 188 is now available for download for macOS Sonoma and macOS Ventura. If you already have Safari Technology Preview installed, you can update it in System Settings under General → Software Update.

This release includes WebKit changes between: 272449@main…273601@main.


New Features

  • Added support for the new CSS content alternative text syntax. (272455@main) (26942023)

Resolved Issues

  • Fixed role assignment for <header> inside <main> and sectioning elements. (273188@main) (48370244)
  • Fixed text missing from accessibility labels for many common shadow DOM scenarios. (272531@main) (120223342)
  • Fixed the mapping for the iOS accessibility framework to speak “switch button”, “on”, and “off” for <input type=checkbox switch>. (273206@main) (121215059)
  • Fixed comboboxes to expose their linked objects correctly. (273542@main) (121242926)


Resolved Issues

  • Fixed the transition property to produce the shortest serialization. (272513@main) (119822401)
  • Fixed the animation property to produce the shortest serialization. (272629@main) (120439368)

Browser Changes

Resolved Issues

  • Fixed loading a ⌘Click fragment link in a background tab. (272906@main) (119079650)
  • Fixed saving linked subresources when saving web page resources. (272925@main) (120491493)


New Features

  • Added supports() syntax for @import rules. (273591@main) (109060734)

Resolved Issues

  • Fixed getComputedStyle() for invalid pseudo-elements. (272543@main) (98504661)
  • Fixed oklab and oklch lightness value clamping. (272501@main) (116195533)
  • Fixed poor performance with :has(+ :not(.class)) pseudo-class selector. (272678@main) (119819247)
  • Fixed CSS content computed value serialization. (272476@main) (120061551)
  • Fixed pseudo-element parsing in getComputedStyle() and KeyframeEffect.prototype.pseudoElement so they require them starting with :: (or : for 4 legacy pseudo-elements). (272499@main) (120170550)
  • Fixed CSS linear() easing. (272613@main) (120290721)
  • Fixed: Aliased :-webkit-full-screen pseudo-class to :fullscreen. (272577@main) (120335917)
  • Fixed: Aliased :-webkit-any-link to :any-link and :matches() to :is(). (272559@main) (120337922)
  • Fixed getComputedStyle() pseudo-element parsing to support the full range of CSS syntax. (272649@main) (120471227)
  • Fixed :not(:has(:not(foo))) getting misclassified as scope breaking. (273177@main) (120492012)
  • Fixed @supports to correctly handle support for some -webkit prefixed pseudo-elements that were incorrectly treated as unsupported. (272726@main) (120577690)
  • Fixed updating media-query sensitive meta tags after style changes. (272947@main) (120854167)


  • Removed -webkit-alt and alt properties. (272480@main) (120051066)
  • Removed the non-standard resize: auto property. (273035@main) (120138995)
  • Made -apple- prefixed pseudo-elements no longer valid. (272538@main) (120268884)
  • Removed :-webkit-animating-full-screen-transition pseudo-class. (273529@main) (121302758)
  • Removed :-khtml-drag pseudo-class. (273261@main) (121303391)


Resolved Issues

  • Fixed text-indent to affect the selected file(s) label for file inputs. (272837@main) (105223868)


Resolved Issues

  • Fixed navigator.cookieEnabled to return false when cookies are blocked. (273522@main) (121284878)

Lockdown Mode

Resolved Issues

  • Fixed Lockdown Mode disabling on sites with COOP and COEP HTTP headers. (273243@main) (119503109)


Resolved Issues

  • Fixed HLS video captions where there are multiple text tracks available. (272784@main) (119839950)
  • Fixed fullscreen video not scaling to display size when the Safari window is in Full Screen App Mode. (272733@main) (119893556)
  • Fixed handling key renewal requests that cause playback errors for some DRM content. (272592@main) (120230860)
  • Fixed paint-on captions shifting during playback. (272966@main) (120847946)
  • Fixed blocked encrypted sampled not getting enqueued after a CDM is attached to a SourceBuffer. (273340@main) (120879185)


Resolved Issues

  • Fixed resizing a <textarea> element with 1rem padding. (273029@main) (90639221)
  • Fixed incorrectly oriented Traditional Mongolian script characters. (272454@main) (93426525)
  • Fixed handling images with color spaces not supported by the backend to fallback to render in sRGB. (273204@main) (118238178)
  • Fixed check boxes and radio buttons to avoid floats. (273047@main) (118660695)
  • Fixed rendering issues when editing text. (273320@main) (119833765)
  • Fixed a floating element causing a list item bullet to be orphaned on constrained lines. (272451@main) (120022893)
  • Fixed fully repainting form controls with visual overflow and writing-mode: vertical-rl. (272799@main) (120066970)
  • Fixed incorrect inline box (hugging) outline painting in vertical writing modes. (272512@main) (120217559)
  • Fixed incorrect ch unit value in vertical-rl and vertical-lr when text-orientation is not upright. (272536@main) (120293590)
  • Fixed the color correctness of the color matrix filter. (272891@main) (120795573)
  • Fixed overflow: hidden preventing CSS Subgrid. (273134@main) (120848131)
  • Fixed the repaint area for underline text decorations. (273126@main) (121082290)
  • Fixed rendering floats and an out-of-flow <br> element with clear. (273407@main) (121444267)


Resolved Issues

  • Fixed unusable horizontal scrollbars with a right-to-left element. (272466@main) (109858866)
  • Fixed wheel overflow behavior with Shadow DOM elements. (273181@main) (118496293)
  • Fixed keyboard scrolling beyond the page getting stuck at a bad scroll offset. (272957@main) (120053910)
  • Fixed a variety of issues by disabling Scroll Anchoring. (273238@main) (121236706)


Resolved Issues

  • Fixed cases where website data is unexpectedly evicted. (272951@main) (119818267)


  • Removed support for AppCache. (273297@main) (113343269)


Resolved Issues

  • Fixed negative SVGTransform scale values to be correctly stringified. (272885@main) (118656892)
  • Fixed the layout of an SVG when it is inside an <iframe> without affecting the size of the <iframe>. (272503@main) (120178866)
  • Fixed displaying an SVG element inside a <switch> element. (272831@main) (120732837)


New Features

  • Added support for CustomStateSet in custom elements and :state() pseudo-class. (272474@main) (120072599)

Resolved Issues

  • Fixed: Added support for AES-GCM in WebCrypto. (273488@main) (101040216)
  • Fixed removing highlights in the Custom Highlights API. (272723@main) (119531671)
  • Fixed unnecessarily unsetting the iframe fullscreen flag. (272462@main) (120052751)
  • Fixed getElementsByName() to only return HTML elements, not SVG, MathML, or other types of elements. (272530@main) (120275680)
  • Fixed the button value for a pointerup event not matching the pointerdown event. (273263@main) (120429508)
  • Fixed a wheel event to fire on an element that has been re-inserted after (272960@main) (120893136)
  • Fixed Scroll To Text Fragment Text Directives to find text with additional unrendered white space in their node data. (273016@main) (120913588)
  • Fixed Media Capture API to capture the camera. (273258@main) (121256297)


  • Removed support for KeyboardEvent.altGraphKey. (273379@main) (102980723)
  • Removed AES-CFB support from WebCrypto. (272615@main) (120000331)
  • Removed the non-standard KeyboardEvent.keyLocation. (273457@main) (121564228)

Web Extensions

Resolved Issues

  • Fixed browsing.scripting.executeScript to handle all valid argument types. (120727491)


Resolved Issues

  • Fixed getClientCapabilities to align with WebAuthn standards to use a record type with camelCase values. (272998@main) (120442670)


New Features

  • Enabled support for EXT_conservative_depth and NV_shader_noperspective_interpolation. (272979@main) (120907578)

Resolved Issues

  • Fixed WebGL to be available in nested workers. (272765@main) (120279728)


Resolved Issues

  • Fixed triggering resolution scaling in the case of WebRTC maintain-framerate degradationPreference. (273172@main) (121041723)
Release Notes for Safari Technology Preview 187 Wed, 24 Jan 2024 22:56:44 +0000 Safari Technology Preview Release 187 is now available for download for macOS Sonoma and macOS Ventura. If you already have Safari Technology Preview installed, you can update it in System Settings under General → Software Update.

This release includes a select set of bug fixes not associated with a range of commits. These release notes have been updated to reflect the correct set of WebKit changes.


Resolved Issues

  • Fixed text missing from accessibility labels for many common shadow DOM scenarios. (272531@main) (120223342)


Resolved Issues

  • Fixed HLS video captions where there are multiple text tracks available. (272784@main) (119839950)
  • Fixed fullscreen video not scaling to display size when the Safari window is in Full Screen App Mode. (272733@main) (119893556)
  • Fixed handling key renewal requests that cause playback errors for some DRM content. (272592@main) (120230860)
Release Notes for Safari Technology Preview 186 Thu, 11 Jan 2024 01:36:38 +0000 Safari Technology Preview Release 186 is now available for download for macOS Sonoma and macOS Ventura. If you already have Safari Technology Preview installed, you can update it in System Settings under General → Software Update.

This release includes WebKit changes between: 271832@main…272448@main.


New Features

  • Added support for invalidating :any-link, :link, and :-webkit-any-link inside :has() (271919@main) (116616425)
  • Added support for @scope invalidation. (271897@main) (119313058)
  • Added support for an implicit scoping root when there is no <scope-start>. (272390@main) (119659940)
  • Added support for :scope inside @scope prelude. (272065@main) (119661541)
  • Added support for align-content on table cells. (272373@main) (119701629)
  • Added support for content-visibility to be animate-able. (272364@main) (119940258)

Resolved Issues

  • Fixed querySelector() to not throw an exception for -webkit- prefixed pseudo-elements. (272337@main) (99299129)
  • Fixed :user-invalid triggering while typing a date. (272346@main) (110687369)
  • Fixed nested @supports queries with declarations. (271989@main) (113652033)
  • Fixed contain: inline-size breaking grid-template-rows: auto. (272085@main) (113915953)
  • Fixed parsing and serialization of -webkit- prefixed pseudo-elements. (272411@main) (118081134)
  • Fixed incorrect scoping roots with nested @scope. (271941@main) (119511916)
  • Fixed @scope prelude to take nesting into account. (272117@main) (119711922)
  • Fixed grid with size containment and min-height not sizing row correctly. (272276@main) (119736473)
  • Fixed @scope to be able to have orphaned declarations with an implicit enclosing style rule. (119937025)


New Features

  • Added focus ring support for <input type="checkbox" switch>. (271884@main) (119499785)
  • Added vertical rendering support for <input type="checkbox" switch>. (272405@main) (119940157)


Resolved Issues

  • Fixed missing support for the direction attribute in the list of attributes whose values are matched case-insensitively with attribute selectors. (272219@main) (119432066)


Resolved Issues

  • Fixed async functions and generators to properly handle promises with throwing “constructor” getter. (272291@main) (119734587)


Resolved Issues

  • Fixed rendering for a <div> within a transformed parent <div> with overflow: hidden. (271894@main) (118901069)
  • Fixed offsetHeight and offsetWidth are 0 for an inline box wrapping a block. (272386@main) (119955792)

Service Workers

Resolved Issues

  • Fixed duplicate load requests with an active service worker. (272024@main) (104377727)

Web Animations

Resolved Issues

  • Fixed percentage transform animations when width and height are animated. (272022@main) (63309680)
  • Fixed a paused animation where currentTime is changed to 0 not restarting when unpaused. (271872@main) (118826588)


New Features

  • Added a “gamepad” permission policy defaulting to * for the allow list. (272199@main) (83219098)
  • Added ShadowRoot clonable attribute. (272096@main) (119707278)

Resolved Issues

  • Fixed invalid coordinates on wheel and gesturechange events inside an iframe. (272176@main) (105243167) (FB11986074)
  • Fixed HTMLAreaElement to align with the HTML Standard. (272217@main) (110028213)
  • Fixed Scroll To Text Fragment to not scroll after dynamic stylesheet loads and the user has scrolled. (272151@main) (112608578)
  • Fixed toggling the spellcheck attribute not toggling spelling markers on input elements. (271927@main) (119269616)
Release Notes for Safari Technology Preview 185 Wed, 20 Dec 2023 22:17:17 +0000 Safari Technology Preview Release 185 is now available for download for macOS Sonoma and macOS Ventura. If you already have Safari Technology Preview installed, you can update it in System Settings under General → Software Update.

This release includes WebKit changes between: 271111@main…271831@main.


Resolved Issues

  • Fixed: Removed the default ARIA-level heading for a heading role, matching removal from ARIA specifications. (271497@main) (119059172)


New Features

  • Added support for align-content on block containers. (271818@main) (114740670)
  • Added percentage values support for letter-spacing and word-spacing. (271357@main) (116562262)
  • Added support for scroll anchoring with overflow-anchor. (271790@main) (118365809)
  • Added support for @scope. (271670@main) (119261250)
  • Added support for ::grammar-error and ::spelling-error (271684@main) (119314048)

Resolved Issues

  • Fixed CSS counters to update properly on style changes. (271451@main) (109416780)
  • Fixed: Updated Full Size Kana table to Unicode 15. (271276@main) (111508663)
  • Fixed missing user-agent stylesheet rules for MathML fractions. (271337@main) (116922348)
  • Fixed selection gaps to get painted with the expected ::selection pseudo-element color. (271129@main) (117796745)
  • Fixed ::backdrop to be allowed after ::slotted(). (271366@main) (119015204)
  • Fixed: Removed support for special first track handling to align with the evolving Masonry standard. (271757@main) (119041053)


New Features

  • Added support for <input type="checkbox" switch>. (271736@main) (119378678)


New Features

  • Added WebCodecs VP9 profile 2 support. (271238@main) (118879753)

Resolved Issues

  • Fixed an HEVC decoder issue when translating annexb data. (271728@main) (116768196)
  • Fixed AV1-in-MP4 codec string not shown in Show Media Stats. (271187@main) (118850797)
  • Fixed getDisplayMedia frameRate always at 30 regardless of constraints. (271233@main) (118874132)
  • Fixed to not loop if current time or duration is zero. (271256@main) (118902468)
  • Fixed in-band captions wrapping unnecessarily. (271415@main) (119024855)


Resolved Issues

  • Fixed: Removed the <font> text-decoration color override quirk. (271338@main) (102920597)
  • Fixed shadow invalidation issue in vertical-rl mode. (271416@main) (111915460)
  • Fixed text in flex items not breaking under specific conditions. (271122@main) (118796634)


New Features

  • Added Element.prototype.setHTMLUnsafe(), ShadowRoot.prototype.setHTMLUnsafe(), and Document.parseHTMLUnsafe() methods. (271423@main) (115345128)

Resolved Issues

  • Fixed updating resizeBy and resizeTo to use int rather than float to align with specifications. (271194@main) (118872048)
  • Fixed the CookieChangeEvent to not be exposed when the Cookie Store API is disabled. (271243@main) (118902989)
  • Fixed <progress> to use the page’s preferred rendering update interval. (271431@main) (118976548)
  • Fixed Element.prototype.setAttributeNode() to not treat attribute names case insensitively. (271363@main) (119013600)
  • Fixed WebGL OffscreenCanvas returning the previously created WebGL1 context when asking for WebGL2. (271546@main) (119028794)
  • Fixed to allow :checked and :indeterminate to match at the same time. (271430@main) (119075969)

Web Inspector

New Features

  • Expanded OffscreenCanvas support for bitmaprenderer, webgl, and webgl2. (271300@main) (109594232)
  • Added Grid overlay support for Masonry layout. (271332@main) (118833618)


New Features

  • Added support for getClientCapabilities(). (271584@main) (119058559)


New Features

  • Enabled WebGPU to be testable via a feature flag. (271725@main) (119262908)