WebKit Features in Safari 16.1

WebKit Features in Safari 16.1

Today, Safari 16 arrives for macOS Ventura and iPadOS 16.

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WebKit Features in Safari 16.0

WebKit Features in Safari 16.0

Today, we are excited to announce the release of Safari 16.0 for iOS 16, macOS Monterey and macOS Big Sur.

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New WebKit Features in Safari 15.6

New WebKit Features in Safari 15.6

Safari 15.6 is the seventh major release of Safari since last fall’s Safari 15.0.

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Web technology sessions at WWDC22

Web technology sessions at WWDC22

WWDC22 is here, and with it, a host of announcements of new web technology shipping in WebKit on macOS, iOS and iPadOS, including advancements in privacy and security – plus new features for Safari, Web Inspector and Safari Web Extensions.

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News from WWDC22:
WebKit Features in Safari 16 Beta

News from WWDC22:
WebKit Features in Safari 16 Beta

WebKit has had a big year, with over 162 new features and improvements shipping in WebKit browsers — including Safari 15.2, Safari 15.4, and Safari 15.5.

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Happy birthday, WPE WebKit!

Happy birthday, WPE WebKit!

WebKit is the purring engine of Safari, it’s true, but it has numerous ports and many contributors.

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New WebKit Features in Safari 15.5

New WebKit Features in Safari 15.5

After the feature-packed release of Safari 15.4 two months ago, WebKit’s work for this version of Safari focused predominately on polishing existing features and fixing bugs.

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New WebKit Features in Safari 15.4

New WebKit Features in Safari 15.4

With over 70 additions to WebKit, Safari 15.4 is packed with new web technologies, updates, and fixes.

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Working together on Interop 2022

Working together on Interop 2022

From the very beginning, the web was always intended to work in any browser, on any computer.

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New WebKit Features in Safari 15.2

New WebKit Features in Safari 15.2

The internet has always been about communication and collaboration.

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New WebKit Features in Safari 15

New WebKit Features in Safari 15

With the release of Safari 15 for macOS Monterey, iPadOS 15, iOS 15, and watchOS, as well as macOS Big Sur and macOS Catalina, WebKit brings significant advancements in privacy and security, improved interoperability, and a host of new features for web developers.

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WebKit Features in Safari at WWDC21

WebKit Features in Safari at WWDC21

There’s a lot of news coming out of WWDC21 about WebKit and the web technology that’s shipping in Safari 15 on Apple’s platforms.

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