Back to Basics

Back to Basics

I’ve noticed that there’s been a little bit of confusion out there about WebKit.

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WebKit Shutting Down

WebKit Shutting Down

WebKit has always focused on performance, web standards compliance, security, and relatively understandable code.

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The Obligatory iPhone Post

The Obligatory iPhone Post

Yesterday, Steve Jobs announced the iPhone, a new combination phone, iPod and internet communications device.

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Optimizing Page Load Time (and a little about the Debug menu)

Optimizing Page Load Time (and a little about the Debug menu)

We don’t usually just repost content from other blogs here.

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Strange Medium

Strange Medium

Digging up a very old blog entry from, the question is asked, “What’s up with the different font sizes when the monospace font family is used?” The answer, as usual with Web browsers, is pretty interesting (which is browser developer-speak for “insanely confusing”).

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The FOUC Problem

The FOUC Problem

FOUC stands for Flash of Unstyled Content.

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Recent WebKit Features

Recent WebKit Features

There have been a lot of exciting new engine-level features that have been added to WebKit over the last few months, and not all of them have received their own blog entries.

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WebKit Site Redesign

WebKit Site Redesign

If you are reading this post, you have probably already noticed that we’ve launched a visual redesign of the WebKit site.

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We’re Hunting Memory Leaks

We’re Hunting Memory Leaks

We’ve heard a number of reports of Safari memory leaks, and we’d like to fix a bunch of these.

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JavaScriptCore C++ Name Changes

JavaScriptCore C++ Name Changes

Here are some name changes we’re planning for some classes and functions in JavaScriptCore in the KJS namespace: Old Name New Names ValueImp JSValue AllocatedValueImp JSCell ObjectImp JSObject Undefined() jsUndefined() Null() jsNull() Boolean() jsBoolean(), jsTrue(), jsFalse() Number() jsNumber(), jsNaN(), jsZero(), jsOne(), jsTwo() String() jsString() We want to take Imp suffixes off class names of subclasses […]

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The New Form Controls:
Radio Buttons

The New Form Controls:
Radio Buttons

The new radio buttons are now enabled (along with checkboxes) in the latest WebKit builds.

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The New Form Controls:

The New Form Controls:

The first of the new form controls for WebKit has just been turned on in the latest WebKit tree.

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