Comments on: CSS3 Gradients Open Source Web Browser Engine Fri, 20 Nov 2015 21:52:28 +0000 hourly 1 By: jocphone Tue, 18 Jan 2011 11:09:28 +0000 Hi, how about we have some other directions for gradients?

All I ever see is linear and radial (radius to centre).

A gradient which ran around a circle would be really useful i.e. the colour changes follow the circumference
of the circle. Also a gradient which allowed you to specify a path for the colours to follow would be awesome.

By: mdriftmeyer Tue, 18 Jan 2011 10:00:47 +0000 @mdriftmeyer: I thought more code = more code to maintain, but I guess it’s not your case?

Seriously? Those includes are so difficult to maintain from the server, right? Not.

By: Peter N Lewis Tue, 18 Jan 2011 06:05:43 +0000 Is there any way to make the end gradient relative to the end position? Eg, say I wanted a gradient to be from 20px to size-20px? I know I could use 10% to 90%, but that only works for percentages.

By: rchl Tue, 18 Jan 2011 00:14:42 +0000 Mozilla and Webkit implementations are not really the same. Mozilla impl is based on slightly older spec thus supports center bg-position for gradient line (pixel positioning, support for center keyword and more). That makes these implementations incompatible and can’t be shipped with same prefix.

Discussion about prefixes is old thought and does not really fit this post.

By: Mon, 17 Jan 2011 18:27:24 +0000 Levi, I complained here because the Webkit team implemented the exact same syntax (I just double-checked on with a different name. This also sparked an argument about browsers vendors in general, who keep doing this over and over. I’m pro-prefixes but I’m against the practice described in my comment.
I’m sure MS knows how we feel, they just don’t care. Apparently they are going to support “border-radius” without prefix, and if the draft changes, we’re going to be fighting IE9 for the next 10 years the same way we did with IE6.

traq: different implementation = different prefix (as in my second example), same implementation should be same prefix

mdriftmeyer: I thought more code = more code to maintain, but I guess it’s not your case?

By: Levi Figueira Mon, 17 Jan 2011 17:12:29 +0000 As much as I want to agree with about the nuisance of extra code, I don’t get why he’s complaining on the Webkit blog, which as long been the best and most advanced CSS3 engine out there. Why don’t you complain to Microsoft for that silly insanely long line you have to add for their sub-par browsers? Why doesn’t Mozilla join Webkit instead? I’m fine with a -moz and a -webkit line… I don’t do anything fancy for IE (unless it somehow reads the CSS3 properties). I do 3 lines for border-radius for example: -webkit, -moz and border-radius. Anyone else can get a decent browser… and it’s not IE.

Now, do us all “web designers who are tired of nonsense” a favor and take your great opinion and go put it in the Internet Explorer/Trident developer blog. It makes much more sense there. 🙂

By: grand_troll Mon, 17 Jan 2011 12:54:55 +0000 What is pleasant is to read “WebKit AND Mozilla have now implemented this proposal “. See 2 teams work together help to believe that our subject here will become a standard.

By: mdriftmeyer Mon, 17 Jan 2011 11:59:51 +0000 traq is correct about different implementations on the back end.

However, you’re complaining about adding a few lines of code which if you put in a master .css file and import your custom files specific to your site development [a normal process] this somehow puts undue levels of work on your part?

I’d rather have vendor specific prefixes for functionality that may or may not even be working when one is developing and testing across multiple platforms. It’s much easier to comment out those areas and continue testing than to hope every vendor is up-to-speed for specific areas of CSS functionality.

The only way -gradient will ever work is if they are all using the same backend code to produce the desired result.

By: traq Mon, 17 Jan 2011 00:58:24 +0000 @

I agree with your frustration (especially about having multiple properties / syntaxes for a _single_ browser — I don’t see _revised_ vendor properties being practical at all), but asking all “beta” implementations support the same property name “{first-vendor-prefix}” or “-beta”) is even less practical.

The whole reason there is a prefix in the first place is that the vendors are quite likely to have different implementations. Major or minor differences, it’s hardly an “ego” issue. Without vendor prefixes, we’d be forced back into using browser sniffing to get just about _anything_ to display correctly.

By: Sat, 15 Jan 2011 15:40:36 +0000 You are ridiculous. So we’re basically going towards this in our CSS:

filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Gradient(StartColorStr=’#FFFFFF’, EndColorStr=’#000000′);
-ms-filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Gradient(StartColorStr=’#FFFFFF’, EndColorStr=’#000000′);
background-image: -webkit-gradient(linear, color-stop(0, white), color-stop(1, white))
background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(white, black);
background-image: -moz-linear-gradient(white, black);
background-image: linear-gradient(white, black);

Don’t you just realize this is ridiculous?
Can’t you just support mozilla’s prefix rather than adding yet another function that you (developers) and us (css coders) will have to support for years to come?

Many other CSS3 features have the same syntax in multiple browsers, still we have to write the same identical crap over and over, RATHER THAN doing like so:
-(the prefix of the vendor who introduced this first)-border-radius: 10px;

Or just
-beta-border-radius: 10px; /* A List Apart’s idea */

No – you just have to use custom-named functions to support your ego.

If YOU VENDORS didn’t make such ridiculous mistakes, we could “just” use:

filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Gradient(StartColorStr=’#FFFFFF’, EndColorStr=’#000000′);
background-image: -beta-gradient(linear, color-stop(0, white), color-stop(1, white))
background-image: -moz-linear-gradient(white, black);
background-image: linear-gradient(white, black);

Those might just be 2 lines you saved, but then repeat that for every function for every elements that uses it in your page and you’ll realize that 10% of your CSS is redundant.

– a web designer who’s tired of nonsense
