Comments on: High DPI Websites (Part 2) Open Source Web Browser Engine Thu, 19 Nov 2015 19:06:06 +0000 hourly 1 By: 3ecomad Wed, 23 Aug 2006 17:41:05 +0000 add oil…………

By: Jeffsters Sun, 13 Aug 2006 22:56:20 +0000 All good but what we really need to make any headway in places such as my employer, when it comes to Safari compatibility and testing, is a Windows version or some major app based upon the engine, that will gain the way FireFox has. yeah…ok…wishful thinking….just sayin…

By: jcdeering Mon, 24 Apr 2006 16:30:19 +0000 If anyone is interested in seeing an SVG 1920 by 1080 scalable interface they can go to my web site and view the Adobe or Firefox demos. The Adobe demo shows the benifits of SVG best, in that the entire web site is only 104k. Make sure to resize your browser window. Enjoy!

By: LL77 Mon, 24 Apr 2006 09:22:28 +0000 what we did in good old times if the resolution of a monitor was too small??? e.g. 800×600 (and the page was programmed in 1024×768…)
Scrolling? Yes. But a good programmer made the page for 2 resolutions and loaded a “pre”page where the resolution was questioned and afterwards linked automaticaly to the right page…
index.html (wihich res?) -> link to 800.html or 1024.html or default…

So today you have the same problem…

By: nick cowie Mon, 24 Apr 2006 07:24:11 +0000 Probably the best way to scale a site now is to use javascript to feed a different style sheet for different browser widths

You use tiny backgrounds, borders and list bullets for browser windows 500px and 1000px and 1500px

The problem comes with images as content, only real solution is to use big images and scale them down, but you can use background images if necessary.

But that does not solve the issue here, which is how should web content be zoomed. Three different philosophies on scaling pixel sized content:
IE: Don’t resize – bad accessibility
Webkit, FF: Resize text, but nothing else images and containers stay the same, which can break the layout.
Opera: Scale everything, images look crappy enlarged, but site stays the same proportions.

Personally the scale everything, keep everything in proportions is the best method.

Next issues is getting people to build sites at one consistent size so people with small or large monitors (in dpi) can pick there prefered zoom-level, stick to it and all websites fit inside their preferred browser window and look ok.

By: xenon Mon, 24 Apr 2006 04:39:11 +0000 Using em units will still lead to browsers scaling up low quality images and it isn’t taking advantage of the full resolution of the display. (Unless you use a high quality image and let the browser scale down, but some browsers do not scale images nicely.) This is the advantage of media queries, the designer can specify multiple size images to fit the resolution of the display. This lets you feed the user the best representation they can display without choking their bandwidth and down-sampling.

By: hyatt Mon, 24 Apr 2006 03:02:44 +0000 The big problem with Flash is that you cannot use it anywhere an image can be used, e.g., in backgrounds, borders or list bullets.

By: nick cowie Mon, 24 Apr 2006 02:49:53 +0000 Dave, one way of dealing with high dpi screens that works now, is to build sites in ems and use a little bit of javascript to detect browser window width and then scales the web site to fit the browser window. My blogdoes that in a limited way (note because it uses sIFR, you need to refresh after you resize your browser window).

You do not need to wait for SVG support in the other browsers, you can use flash instead. See John Oxton’s Scalable Logos.

You can also scale bitmap images, but you need to use big images and trust the browser to scale, which has its’ downsides. A little experiment from my blog.

By: db48x Mon, 24 Apr 2006 00:38:08 +0000 hyatt, you should probably mention that browsers already have to do this sort of thing when printing webpages. It’s not like anyone complains about that. Indeed, I’d be rather miffed if I printed a webpage on my 1200dpi printer and it came out in a tiny little box three quarters of an inch on a side. Now if only we had 1200 dpi screens…

By: Rob Sun, 23 Apr 2006 22:54:30 +0000 daaku, I feel your pain. I think there’s still merit though in producing all the pretty graphics that we can for browsers that implement SVG. After that it will become apparent that there’s a real benefit to the end user and the pressure will be on IE once again to catch up. It’s also possible that some clever person will come up with ways to help with the issue of degrading gracefully for IE.

I think you’re also right on the em comparison and that we could be in for a wave of confusion between “CSS pixels” vs. “Screen pixels”.
