Comments on: High DPI Websites (Part 1) Open Source Web Browser Engine Thu, 19 Nov 2015 19:06:13 +0000 hourly 1 By: doekman Wed, 03 May 2006 17:16:32 +0000 I have a solution for using highrez photo’s with the image tag. I thought the img-tag used to have the @lowsrc-attribute (although I cant find it in the HTML specs, it is present in the DOM1 spec). Maybe introduce a highsrc attribute with a list of dpi/url pairs:

[img src=”me.jpg” highsrc=”150dpi@me-150.jpg; 300dpi@me-300dpi.jpg” style=”width:400px” alt=”me”]

In this way a website still loads quickly, and looks awsome on high-rez screens and paper (when using Safari 3.0).
The thing you need to consider: are bigger pictures really that troublesome to add complexity. With other words, does:

[img src=”me-300dpi.jpg” style=”width:400px” alt=”me”]

takes too much time for 90% of the webusers in, say 2 years…

By: Robert O'Callahan Mon, 01 May 2006 00:37:52 +0000 Actually, optimizing by rendering SVG to a pixmap and throwing away the DOM is not possible, because zooming in or transforming the image wouldn’t give good results. So I don’t see a reason to disallow SMIL or Javascript in SVG s.

By: roc Sat, 29 Apr 2006 12:16:12 +0000 This all sounds good to me as a Gecko developer.

The status of SVG s is a good question. Clearly you want event targeting and selection to treat it like any other image. You also need to disallow access to the SVG DOM because IMGs can historically have a non-same-origin SRC.

If you disallow scripting and SMIL animation, then you can optimize by rendering the SVG to a pixmap and then throwing away the DOM. But since you can have animated GIFs, why not animated SVGs? And if you allow SMIL animation, why not Javascript animations? Hmm, tough call. I think it might be best to allow scripting and SMIL animation simply because other browsers will always be tempted to allow it as an “extension”. It should be fairly easy to detect the absence of scripting and SMIL animation and use the pixmap optimization if appropriate.

By: ChrisDodd Wed, 26 Apr 2006 17:31:52 +0000 I’m amused by the “Becoming more important” line in the first paragraph. This has been a HUGE problem for years — ever since HTML-2.0 was introduced to be more of a layout language and less of a markup language. For an example, you just have to look at this site. Why is all the text crammed over on the left side of the page with a big blank space on the right side? Why is the default font tiny and unreadable? Fortunately most browsers now let you override the latter problem.

By: core Wed, 26 Apr 2006 11:11:57 +0000 I don’t understand why you’ve introduced the ::marker pseudo-element. Surely to be consistent with how you’ve extended background with a background-size, you should extend list-style-image with list-style-image-size and the extra parameter to the compound list-style-image – such that, much as you have:
background: url(tiger-low.png);
background: url(tiger-high.png) (100px 100px);
you would also have:
list-style-image: url(bullet-low.png);
list-style-image: url(bullet-high.png) (100px 100px);

(I do, however, have to second the view that we do need an absolute unit, and that that unit should be px – let’s fix up the problems with em/ex, and let px keep its current usage, since we regularly need per-pixel positioning, esp. in interactive webpages!)

By: frankus Mon, 24 Apr 2006 23:37:11 +0000 > This approach degrades gracefully, with the only tradeoff being
> that the higher resolution artwork would be slower to load on low
> DPI displays that couldn’t render all the detail anyway.

The problem is the lousy resizing most current browsers do to images scaled in this way: most do nearest-nieghbor rather than bicubic, so scaled-down images look like crap. For scaling up, there’s the occasional website that depends on the nearest-neighbor algorithm (like the old WIRED logo), so simply doing a bicubic at all times is probably going to break a few sites.

I’d like to see a “resample” attribute (looks like IE7 uses the “interpolation” style property) that lets you specify how you want to scale things.

By: Michael Z. Mon, 24 Apr 2006 16:47:59 +0000 Woops, the weblog wiped out my code examples (preview would be nice). This makes more sense anyway:

<object type=”image/svg+xml” data=”example.svg”>
<object type=”image/png+300dpi” data=”example-hi.png>
<img src=”example-low.png” />

By: Michael Z. Mon, 24 Apr 2006 16:42:32 +0000 The object element wasn’t mentioned as a place where images appear—it’s similar to img, but has some important advantages, and with MSIE 7 being introduced, we may be able to actually start using it on web sites as intended.

For starters, a PNG/GIF object nested inside an SVG object would allow older non-supporting browsers to load and display a raster image, while a browser with native SVG support or a plug-in would load and display the vector artwork instead.

Since nested objects load based on their mime type, perhaps a new mime type incorporating image DPI could be used to offer a better image to a newer browser. Something like could load in hi-res displays, a nested graphic with the standard “image/svg+xml” type in other SVG-supporting browsers, and finally a plain old could be nested in the middle for the benefit of others. Adoption of the new mime-type would make this work, without an extensions to (X)HTML at all.

By: keijo Mon, 24 Apr 2006 12:20:47 +0000 If you are having trouble with tiny text in your browser because of your resoltion you might want to give opera a try… it can zoom images and text and layout doesnt suffer only things that sometimes dont go right are flash animation since you are not able to zoom them with operas + and – =(. I personally choose opera because of this feature since i have 1800x res monitor and i dont want to read one word a hour speed and like you said it is imposible to make fonts bigger in your windows since some games go nuts because of that.

By: egorFiNE Mon, 24 Apr 2006 09:59:27 +0000 You may want to take a look at this library:
