Comments on: Stabilization Spree ’07 Open Source Web Browser Engine Thu, 19 Nov 2015 21:38:55 +0000 hourly 1 By: maciej Mon, 12 Feb 2007 12:56:22 +0000 Significant reproducible memory leaks are indeed critical bugs and you will find a number of them on the current P1 list. If you can come up with steps to reproduce any with the nightlies, then please file more bug reports.

By: sulka Mon, 12 Feb 2007 11:24:27 +0000 Stupid question: do memory leaks qualify as critical bugs?

I have my computer slow down significantly a few times a week and 95% of the time the culprit turns out to be Safari that’s leaked so much RAM the computer has started swapping. I once tried to make a “leaks Safari” report when this happened and learned the leaks utility seems to end up consuming more RAM than the total size of the leaks during the process of creating the report. At 700MB+ of leaks, the Powerbook slowed down to the point where it took minutes to kill the leaks process. 🙂

As a result I’m really hoping the next Safari version is significantly better in regards to the memory leaks than the existing one. The nightlies are definitely better in this sense but I’m hoping leak hunting won’t stop.

By: Phrogz Fri, 09 Feb 2007 06:44:41 +0000 Is the captcha graphic fixed? (If so, sorry for the noise.)
