Comments on: Announcing SunSpider 0.9 Open Source Web Browser Engine Thu, 19 Nov 2015 19:00:09 +0000 hourly 1 By: scottn Fri, 25 Jan 2008 12:53:38 +0000 I created an account just so I could post this as there doesn’t seem to be much Windows results. Out of curiousity I downloaded Safari the other day and played with it (I am a big Opera Fan).

{Windows Vista32, Core2Duo 2.6ghz, 1gb RAM}

"From" = Webkit Nightly r29785
"To" = Safari 3.0.4 Beta

WOW, What an improvement! Safari went from losing to Opera 9.50 Weekly (posted last) to destroying it. I won’t even post IE7 numbers ast they were a little worse than Safari 3.0.4. Webkit for the win. And Open Source as well? Sheesh..

TEST                   COMPARISON            FROM                 TO             DETAILS

** TOTAL **:           *2.10x as slow*   4784.8ms +/- 2.2%   10068.0ms +/- 3.8%     significant


  3d:                  *2.34x as slow*    578.4ms +/- 4.9%    1353.6ms +/- 11.7%     significant
    cube:              *2.35x as slow*    186.0ms +/- 6.1%     436.6ms +/- 16.9%     significant
    morph:             *2.83x as slow*    193.2ms +/- 8.9%     545.8ms +/- 21.2%     significant
    raytrace:          *1.86x as slow*    199.2ms +/- 4.3%     371.2ms +/- 19.0%     significant

  access:              *2.45x as slow*    738.6ms +/- 8.2%    1809.6ms +/- 9.9%     significant
    binary-trees:      *1.86x as slow*     97.0ms +/- 9.3%     180.8ms +/- 14.6%     significant
    fannkuch:          *2.20x as slow*    358.6ms +/- 12.7%     789.6ms +/- 20.4%     significant
    nbody:             *2.01x as slow*    189.4ms +/- 12.0%     380.6ms +/- 18.6%     significant
    nsieve:            *4.90x as slow*     93.6ms +/- 0.7%     458.6ms +/- 3.7%     significant

  bitops:              *2.88x as slow*    599.2ms +/- 2.9%    1725.4ms +/- 13.5%     significant
    3bit-bits-in-byte: *3.73x as slow*     93.6ms +/- 0.7%     349.2ms +/- 18.6%     significant
    bits-in-byte:      *3.38x as slow*    137.4ms +/- 6.3%     464.8ms +/- 18.9%     significant
    bitwise-and:       *1.73x as slow*    221.6ms +/- 4.2%     384.0ms +/- 13.2%     significant
    nsieve-bits:       *3.60x as slow*    146.6ms +/- 7.3%     527.4ms +/- 9.9%     significant

  controlflow:         *2.15x as slow*    127.8ms +/- 6.6%     274.6ms +/- 12.8%     significant
    recursive:         *2.15x as slow*    127.8ms +/- 6.6%     274.6ms +/- 12.8%     significant

  crypto:              *2.76x as slow*    367.0ms +/- 7.3%    1013.6ms +/- 9.7%     significant
    aes:               *2.25x as slow*    124.8ms +/- 10.9%     280.8ms +/- 13.0%     significant
    md5:               *3.21x as slow*    117.4ms +/- 19.3%     377.2ms +/- 9.1%     significant
    sha1:              *2.85x as slow*    124.8ms +/- 0.4%     355.6ms +/- 21.6%     significant

  date:                *1.59x as slow*    451.0ms +/- 5.0%     717.8ms +/- 16.6%     significant
    format-tofte:      *1.68x as slow*    189.0ms +/- 2.6%     318.4ms +/- 15.9%     significant
    format-xparb:      *1.52x as slow*    262.0ms +/- 8.1%     399.4ms +/- 18.3%     significant

  math:                *2.04x as slow*    621.0ms +/- 5.6%    1269.6ms +/- 13.8%     significant
    cordic:            *2.81x as slow*    237.2ms +/- 3.8%     667.4ms +/- 23.1%     significant
    partial-sums:      *1.24x as slow*    262.2ms +/- 13.4%     324.4ms +/- 16.7%     significant
    spectral-norm:     *2.28x as slow*    121.6ms +/- 6.6%     277.8ms +/- 15.9%     significant

  regexp:              *1.24x as slow*    332.4ms +/- 16.5%     412.0ms +/- 26.0%     significant
    dna:               *1.24x as slow*    332.4ms +/- 16.5%     412.0ms +/- 26.0%     significant

  string:              *1.54x as slow*    969.4ms +/- 2.1%    1491.8ms +/- 5.2%     significant
    base64:            *2.19x as slow*    152.8ms +/- 5.8%     334.0ms +/- 5.2%     significant
    fasta:             *1.46x as slow*    246.4ms +/- 3.5%     358.8ms +/- 17.8%     significant
    tagcloud:          *1.42x as slow*    183.0ms +/- 13.1%     259.0ms +/- 15.5%     significant
    unpack-code:       *1.41x as slow*    184.2ms +/- 4.6%     259.0ms +/- 6.7%     significant
    validate-input:    *1.38x as slow*    203.0ms +/- 6.9%     281.0ms +/- 20.1%     significant

Opera 9.50 Weekly 9745:
RESULTS (means and 95% confidence intervals)
Total:                     NaNms +/- NaN%

  3d:                   1038.4ms +/- 27.2%
    cube:                308.8ms +/- 40.7%
    morph:               324.2ms +/- 11.4%
    raytrace:            405.4ms +/- 61.9%

  access:               1301.6ms +/- 19.0%
    binary-trees:        274.8ms +/- 72.6%
    fannkuch:            446.2ms +/- 19.0%
    nbody:               268.4ms +/- 13.1%
    nsieve:              312.2ms +/- 59.0%

  bitops:                986.2ms +/- 18.1%
    3bit-bits-in-byte:    90.6ms +/- 9.7%
    bits-in-byte:        137.2ms +/- 6.7%
    bitwise-and:         474.4ms +/- 16.5%
    nsieve-bits:         284.0ms +/- 35.8%

  controlflow:            90.4ms +/- 9.6%
    recursive:            90.4ms +/- 9.6%

  crypto:                  NaNms +/- NaN%
    aes:                 365.0ms +/- 64.4%
    md5:                   NaNms +/- NaN%
    sha1:                171.6ms +/- 47.2%

  date:                    NaNms +/- NaN%
    format-tofte:          NaNms +/- NaN%
    format-xparb:        686.4ms +/- 26.7%

  math:                    NaNms +/- NaN%
    cordic:              265.4ms +/- 20.8%
    partial-sums:          NaNms +/- NaN%
    spectral-norm:       124.6ms +/- 0.5%

  regexp:                951.6ms +/- 17.6%
    dna:                 951.6ms +/- 17.6%

  string:               8261.4ms +/- 13.6%
    base64:              889.0ms +/- 10.5%
    fasta:              1978.0ms +/- 11.9%
    tagcloud:            764.4ms +/- 25.2%
    unpack-code:        4031.2ms +/- 19.6%
    validate-input:      598.8ms +/- 54.1%
By: mcroft Tue, 01 Jan 2008 00:14:11 +0000 Just for shits and grins, I ran it with the new iCab 4.0 on my G5 dual 2.7 (4GB Ram) 10.5.1
Safari 3 (stock) was 15452.4ms total (or 1.1 times slower than iCab) A recent nightly build of Safari was 1.86 times faster (7521.6ms)

RESULTS (means and 95% confidence intervals)
Total:                 13957.6ms +/- 1.0%

  3d:                   2135.6ms +/- 0.6%
    cube:                635.6ms +/- 1.7%
    morph:               955.2ms +/- 2.0%
    raytrace:            544.8ms +/- 1.5%

  access:               2767.8ms +/- 1.5%
    binary-trees:        259.2ms +/- 0.7%
    fannkuch:           1082.0ms +/- 2.7%
    nbody:               502.2ms +/- 0.7%
    nsieve:              924.4ms +/- 1.6%

  bitops:               2494.8ms +/- 1.5%
    3bit-bits-in-byte:   540.4ms +/- 1.9%
    bits-in-byte:        670.0ms +/- 1.9%
    bitwise-and:         577.0ms +/- 3.2%
    nsieve-bits:         707.4ms +/- 1.7%

  controlflow:           355.2ms +/- 0.8%
    recursive:           355.2ms +/- 0.8%

  crypto:               1192.4ms +/- 0.6%
    aes:                 311.2ms +/- 1.0%
    md5:                 445.6ms +/- 1.5%
    sha1:                435.6ms +/- 0.5%

  date:                  860.2ms +/- 5.9%
    format-tofte:        395.2ms +/- 13.3%
    format-xparb:        465.0ms +/- 0.6%

  math:                 1756.8ms +/- 2.0%
    cordic:              936.8ms +/- 1.9%
    partial-sums:        381.4ms +/- 1.9%
    spectral-norm:       438.6ms +/- 3.7%

  regexp:                422.8ms +/- 0.1%
    dna:                 422.8ms +/- 0.1%

  string:               1972.0ms +/- 0.8%
    base64:              434.2ms +/- 1.5%
    fasta:               518.2ms +/- 1.7%
    tagcloud:            376.4ms +/- 0.6%
    unpack-code:         309.8ms +/- 0.5%
    validate-input:      333.4ms +/- 1.4%
By: mcroft Thu, 27 Dec 2007 18:59:52 +0000 I also can’t get it to run to completion on mobile Safari on an iPhone. Is this on the list for a future iPhone update?

By: jonknee Sat, 22 Dec 2007 21:19:07 +0000 Here are results for the OLPC XO laptop. Not the fastest, but it works.

RESULTS (means and 95% confidence intervals)
Total:                 176167.2ms +/- 0.5%

  3d:                   34310.6ms +/- 1.3%
    cube:                6620.2ms +/- 1.4%
    morph:              22864.4ms +/- 2.2%
    raytrace:            4826.0ms +/- 1.4%

  access:               18614.4ms +/- 1.4%
    binary-trees:        2479.0ms +/- 7.0%
    fannkuch:            6243.8ms +/- 1.0%
    nbody:               6607.4ms +/- 1.0%
    nsieve:              3284.2ms +/- 0.8%

  bitops:               30300.2ms +/- 2.6%
    3bit-bits-in-byte:   6556.2ms +/- 4.1%
    bits-in-byte:        5627.2ms +/- 0.8%
    bitwise-and:        13951.8ms +/- 5.6%
    nsieve-bits:         4165.0ms +/- 0.5%

  controlflow:           1844.6ms +/- 7.1%
    recursive:           1844.6ms +/- 7.1%

  crypto:               10088.4ms +/- 2.0%
    aes:                 4469.4ms +/- 2.4%
    md5:                 2782.6ms +/- 4.3%
    sha1:                2836.4ms +/- 0.6%

  date:                 11062.4ms +/- 2.6%
    format-tofte:        7142.2ms +/- 4.7%
    format-xparb:        3920.2ms +/- 1.4%

  math:                 23868.8ms +/- 1.4%
    cordic:             11430.6ms +/- 2.2%
    partial-sums:        8856.6ms +/- 2.6%
    spectral-norm:       3581.6ms +/- 2.0%

  regexp:                6929.0ms +/- 1.6%
    dna:                 6929.0ms +/- 1.6%

  string:               39148.8ms +/- 1.0%
    base64:              7545.0ms +/- 3.3%
    fasta:               7969.4ms +/- 2.9%
    tagcloud:            6121.4ms +/- 3.0%
    unpack-code:        12942.6ms +/- 1.1%
    validate-input:      4570.4ms +/- 1.3%
By: Spot Sat, 22 Dec 2007 15:01:29 +0000 OSX 10.4.11
1.42 GHz G4

Webkit (523.12.2) 15040.6ms +/- 1.9%
Opera 9.50.4506 19597.4ms +/- 0.9%
Shiira 2.2 (071003) 29371.0ms +/- 5.8%
Sunrise 1.5.6 28998.0ms +/- 0.4%
Demeter 1.0.7 34182.6ms +/- 6.6%
iCab 4.0.0 beta19 34793.6ms +/- 2.8%
Camino 1.6a1 37203.4ms +/- 1.4%

By: Maciej Stachowiak Fri, 21 Dec 2007 19:31:14 +0000 @EdwinSmith:

That test file comes straight from the computer language shootout, and we certainly didn’t modify it intentionally, but it does look like the person who oriiginally wrote the code made a mistake.

By: Maciej Stachowiak Fri, 21 Dec 2007 19:29:47 +0000 @Simon

Sorry for the lack of notice, you are credited in the test file however: http ://

By: EdwinSmith Fri, 21 Dec 2007 13:59:02 +0000 In math-partial-sums, partial() also contains a bunch of global references: a2 – a9, k3, sk, ck. Just wanted to point it out to see if that also is intentional. (if so, comments to that effect would be cool).

Cheers, and cool benchmarks!

By: Synchro Fri, 21 Dec 2007 12:15:53 +0000 What is it with the little sun logo in the top left of the benchmark page? It seems to appear differently in every browser (empty yellow box, thick yellow line, question mark, or a sun image)! Is it some kind of secret CSS validation test to wind up IE users?

By: Simon Fri, 21 Dec 2007 11:42:20 +0000 Hi Webkit

Makes me very proud, that you are using my javascript code for the 3d cube benchmark []. That’s really great.
But (why’s there always a but?) it would have been nice, if you had at least notified me before using it.

Happy testing Simon
