Comments on: SVG Has Landed Open Source Web Browser Engine Thu, 19 Nov 2015 20:35:55 +0000 hourly 1 By: maciej Tue, 10 Jan 2006 08:31:19 +0000 I don’t think SVG affects stability of normal HTML browsing. But if you run into any crashes or hangs, especially if they are regressions, please file bugs to let us know!

By: NTiOzymandias Wed, 04 Jan 2006 17:24:56 +0000 courtfkizer: You’re missing the point of having it integrated. SVG is the next big step for WebKit development, so it needs as much attention as possible to ensure that it plays well with the rest of Webkit. The best way to ensure that it gets this attention is to integrate it into mainstream Webkit development so that developers can’t just ignore it and work on other components until this one is reasonably stable. 😉

Anyway, it’s not as if these nightly builds are intended for normal use; that’s what Apple’s release builds are for. WebKit has advanced by leaps and bounds since the development process opened up, and the many improvements introduced are -still- trickling into Apple’s releases. When it finally comes time to send SVG down that path, it will be because the SVG-ified WebKit is stable once again. Understandably this is something of a pain for testers in the meantime but remember, it’s all in the interest of progress.

By: courtfkizer Wed, 04 Jan 2006 09:12:53 +0000 Ever since you’ve enable SVG by default all the computer systems I test webkit on, with my normal array of sites, beachball out of control and crash constantly… This morning I took a powerbook and loaded and it started beachballing, I decided to let it sit…. 6 hours later i returned to Webkit still beachballing… I think this has something to do with adding SVG into the main webkit body, I would seriously consider removing SVG code until you can fix stability 😉

By: Robin Mon, 19 Dec 2005 10:31:19 +0000 Ah, ignore me, I should have realised you were integrating KSVG (there4 SVG 1.1).

By: Robin Mon, 19 Dec 2005 09:21:48 +0000 What level of SVG does this support add?

By: mckinlay Mon, 19 Dec 2005 02:48:46 +0000 Nightly builds:

By: keithkml Sun, 18 Dec 2005 15:28:43 +0000 Where are the nightlies?
